Croncrypt ========= Wrapper to sign and encrypt `cron(8)` output and errors with PGP/MIME before sending them to the `MAILTO` destination. CRONCRYPT_KEYID=0x0A1B2C3D4E5F6G7H CRONCRYPT_PASSPHRASE=hibbityboo 0 1 * * * tom croncrypt rsync /home/tom/important-file /home/backups The main design goal is simplicity; just whack `croncrypt` in front of all your `crontab(5)` entries, provided they don’t use pipes or `stderr`/`stdout` redirects, in which case you should consider putting it all into a script file anyway. Don’t use your own GPG key for signing! I recommend you create a dedicated key just for Croncrypt, and sign it locally with `gpg --lsign` so that your software trusts it locally. Installation ------------ Put the `croncrypt` binary somewhere in your `crontab`’s `PATH`, and install the following Perl modules: * `Carp` * `IPC::Open3` * `Mail::GnuPG` * `MIME::Entity` * `Symbol` On Debian-derived systems, this should do the trick: # aptitude install perl-base perl-modules \ libmail-gnupg-perl libmime-tools-perl License ------- Copyright (c) [Tom Ryder][1]. Distributed under Perl’s [Artistic License][2]. [1]: [2]: