path: root/urxvt/ext/selection
blob: 47da4ce68c57ba9e496d7339865e1a6442d09d9c (plain) (tree)


#! perl

sub on_user_command {
   my ($self, $cmd) = @_;

   $cmd eq "selection:rot13"
      and $self->selection (map { y/A-Za-z/N-ZA-Mn-za-m/; $_ } $self->selection);


sub on_init {
   my ($self) = @_;

   if (defined (my $res = $self->resource ("cutchars"))) {
      $res = $self->locale_decode ($res);
      push @{ $self->{patterns} }, qr{\G [\Q$res\E[:space:]]* ([^\Q$res\E[:space:]]+) }x;

   for (my $idx = 0; defined (my $res = $self->x_resource ("selection.pattern-$idx")); $idx++) {
      $res = $self->locale_decode ($res);
      push @{ $self->{patterns} }, qr/$res/;

   $self->{enabled} = 1;

   push @{ $self->{term}{option_popup_hook} }, sub {
      ("new selection" => $self->{enabled}, sub { $self->{enabled} = shift })


# "find interesting things"-patterns
my @mark_patterns = (
#   qr{ ([[:word:]]+) }x,
   qr{ ([^[:space:]]+) }x,

   # common types of "parentheses"
   qr{ (?<![^[:space:]])  [`'] ([^`']+)  [`'] (?![^[:space:]]) }x,
   qr{ (?<![^[:space:]])  ‘ ([^‘’]+)  ’ (?![^[:space:]]) }x,
   qr{ (?<![^[:space:]])  “ ([^“”]+)  ” (?![^[:space:]]) }x,

   qr{ (?<![^[:space:]]) (' [^[:space:]] [^']* ')                  }x,
   qr{                   (' [^']* [^[:space:]] ') (?![^[:space:]]) }x,
   qr{ (?<![^[:space:]]) (` [^[:space:]] [^']* ')                  }x,
   qr{                   (` [^']* [^[:space:]] ') (?![^[:space:]]) }x,
   qr{ (?<![^[:space:]]) (" [^[:space:]] [^"]* ")                  }x,
   qr{                   (" [^"]* [^[:space:]] ") (?![^[:space:]]) }x,

   qr{ \{ ([^\{\}]+) \} }x,
   qr{ \( ([^\(\)]+) \) }x,
   qr{ \[ ([^\[\]]+) \] }x,
   qr{ \< ([^\<\>]+) \> }x,

   # urls, just a heuristic
      [ab-zA-Z0-9\-\@;\/?:&=%\$_+*()~]   # exclude some trailing characters (heuristic)

   # shell-like argument quoting, basically always matches
   qr{\G [\ \t|&;<>()]* (
         [^\\"'\ \t|&;<>()]+
         | \\.
         | " (?: [^\\"]+ | \\. )* "
         | ' [^']* '

# "correct obvious? crap"-patterns
my @simplify_patterns = (
   qr{^"([^\\"'\ \t|&;<>()*?]+)"$}, # "simple" => simple
   qr{^(.*)[,\-]$},                 # strip off trailing , and -

sub on_sel_extend {
   my ($self, $time) = @_;

      or return;

   my ($row, $col) = $self->selection_mark;
   my $line = $self->line ($row);
   my $text = $line->t;
   my $markofs = $line->offset_of ($row, $col);
   my $curlen  = $line->offset_of ($self->selection_end)
               - $line->offset_of ($self->selection_beg);

   my @matches;

   if ($markofs < $line->l) {
      study $text; # _really_ helps, too :)

      for my $regex (@mark_patterns, @{ $self->{patterns} }) {
         while ($text =~ /$regex/g) {
            if ($-[1] <= $markofs and $markofs <= $+[1]) {
               my $ofs = $-[1];
               my $match = $1;

               for my $regex (@simplify_patterns) {
                  if ($match =~ $regex) {
                     $match = $1;
                     $ofs += $-[1];

               push @matches, [$ofs, length $match];

   # whole line
   push @matches, [0, ($line->end - $line->beg + 1) * $self->ncol];

   for (sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] or $b->[0] <=> $a->[0] } @matches) {
      my ($ofs, $len) = @$_;

      next if $len <= $curlen;

      $self->selection_beg ($line->coord_of ($ofs));
      $self->selection_end ($line->coord_of ($ofs + $len));
      return 1;
