diff options
authorTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2016-08-23 15:07:27 +1200
committerTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2016-08-23 15:07:27 +1200
commit4d378ca7e44461c1f477efd060accfe243b333f0 (patch)
parentAdd comment to vague block (diff)
parentSet POSIX PS1 before loading subscripts (diff)
Merge branch 'openbsd'
3 files changed, 35 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/pdksh/pdkshrc.d/prompt.pdksh b/pdksh/pdkshrc.d/prompt.pdksh
index f9dfa584..05e3eced 100644
--- a/pdksh/pdkshrc.d/prompt.pdksh
+++ b/pdksh/pdkshrc.d/prompt.pdksh
@@ -15,13 +15,19 @@ prompt() {
# Turn complex, colored PS1 and debugging PS4 prompts on
- # Set up prompt, including optional PROMPT_PREFIX and PROMPT_SUFFIX
- # variables
- PS1='\u@\h:\w'
- PS1=$PS1'$(prompt vcs)'
- PS1=$PS1'$(prompt job)'
+ # Basic prompt shape depends on whether we're in SSH or not
+ PS1=
+ [[ -n $SSH_CONNECTION ]] &&
+ PS1=$PS1'\u@\h:'
+ PS1=$PS1'\w'
+ # Add sub-commands; VCS, job, and return status checks
+ PS1=$PS1'$(prompt vcs)$(prompt job)'
+ # Add prefix and suffix
+ # Add terminating "$" or "#" sign
# Count available colors
@@ -79,10 +85,10 @@ prompt() {
# Git prompt function
- # Bail if we have no git(1)
- if ! hash git 2>/dev/null ; then
- return 1
- fi
+ # Bail if we're not in a work tree--or, implicitly, if we don't
+ # have git(1).
+ [[ $(git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2>/dev/null) = true ]] ||
+ return
# Attempt to determine git branch, bail if we can't
typeset branch
@@ -102,12 +108,14 @@ prompt() {
typeset state
# Upstream HEAD has commits after local HEAD; we're "behind"
- (($(git rev-list --count 'HEAD..@{u}' 2>/dev/null) > 0)) &&
- state=${state}\<
+ typeset -i behind
+ behind=$(git rev-list --count 'HEAD..@{u}' 2>/dev/null)
+ ((behind)) && state=${state}'<'
# Local HEAD has commits after upstream HEAD; we're "ahead"
- (($(git rev-list --count '@{u}..HEAD' 2>/dev/null) > 0)) &&
- state=${state}\>
+ typeset -i ahead
+ ahead=$(git rev-list --count '@{u}..HEAD' 2>/dev/null)
+ ((ahead)) && state=${state}'>'
# Tracked files are modified
git diff-files --quiet ||
@@ -115,19 +123,20 @@ prompt() {
# Changes are staged
git diff-index --cached --quiet HEAD ||
- state=${state}\+
+ state=${state}'+'
# There are some untracked and unignored files
[[ -n $(git ls-files --others --exclude-standard) ]] &&
- state=${state}\?
+ state=${state}'?'
# There are stashed changes
git rev-parse --quiet --verify refs/stash >/dev/null &&
- state=${state}\^
+ state=${state}'^'
# Print the status in brackets; add a git: prefix only if there
# might be another VCS prompt (because PROMPT_VCS is set)
- printf '(%s%s%s)' "${PROMPT_VCS:+git:}" "${branch:-unknown}" "$state"
+ printf '(%s%s%s)' \
+ "${PROMPT_VCS:+git:}" "${branch:-unknown}" "$state"
# Revert to simple inexpensive prompts
@@ -142,9 +151,7 @@ prompt() {
typeset vcs
for vcs in "${PROMPT_VCS[@]:-git}" ; do
- if prompt "$vcs" ; then
- return
- fi
+ prompt "$vcs" && return
@@ -152,9 +159,7 @@ prompt() {
typeset -i jobc
jobc=$(jobs -p | sed -n '$=')
- if ((jobc > 0)) ; then
- printf '{%u}' "$jobc"
- fi
+ ((jobc)) && printf '{%u}' "$jobc"
# Print error
diff --git a/sh/shrc b/sh/shrc
index deb55cc2..9e201ef1 100644
--- a/sh/shrc
+++ b/sh/shrc
@@ -4,6 +4,11 @@ case $- in
*) return ;;
+# Basic PS1 for POSIX shell; if we're using something more advanced, something
+# in ~/.shrc.d should overrule this. Does every POSIX shell support these? dash
+# does, at least.
+PS1=$(printf '%s@%s$ ' "$(whoami)" "$(hostname -s)")
# Load all the POSIX-compatible functions from ~/.shrc.d; more advanced shells
# like bash will have their own functions
for sh in "$HOME"/.shrc.d/*.sh ; do
diff --git a/sh/shrc.d/prompt.sh b/sh/shrc.d/prompt.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index dff42f05..00000000
--- a/sh/shrc.d/prompt.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# Basic PS1 for POSIX shell
-# Does every POSIX shell support these? dash does, at least.
-PS1=$(printf '%s@%s$ ' "$(whoami)" "$(hostname -s)")