diff options
authorTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2018-12-02 12:38:24 +1300
committerTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2018-12-02 12:42:59 +1300
commitcc6082bfc04db1f95187fa996118e2bd53f06283 (patch)
parentRemove mysql(1) completion (diff)
Throw away Git Bash completion
Too complicated, for too little benefit. What would probably be better would be bindings in Bash specifically for completing Git remotes, tags, etc.
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 199 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index de4e8618..99bc9d7d 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -264,7 +264,6 @@ files, for things I really do get tired of typing repeatedly:
* Bash builtins: commands, help topics, shell options, variables, etc.
* `find(1)`'s more portable options
-* `git(1)` subcommands, remotes, branches, tags, and addable files
* `gpg(1)` long options
* `make(1)` targets read from a `Makefile`
* `man(1)` page titles
diff --git a/bash/bash_completion.d/git.bash b/bash/bash_completion.d/git.bash
deleted file mode 100644
index a05655c3..00000000
--- a/bash/bash_completion.d/git.bash
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-# Some simple completion for Git
-_git() {
- # Subcommands for this function to stack words onto COMPREPLY; if the first
- # argument is not given, the rest of the function is reached
- case $1 in
- # No argument; continue normal completion
- '') ;;
- # Symbolic references, remote or local
- refs)
- local ref
- while IFS= read -r ref ; do
- ref=${ref#refs/*/}
- case $ref in
- '') continue ;;
- "$2"*)
- ;;
- esac
- done < <(git for-each-ref --format '%(refname)' 2>/dev/null)
- return
- ;;
- # Remote names
- remotes)
- local remote
- while IFS= read -r remote ; do
- case $remote in
- '') continue ;;
- "$2"*)
- COMPREPLY[${#COMPREPLY[@]}]=$remote
- ;;
- esac
- done < <(git remote 2>/dev/null)
- return
- ;;
- # Git aliases
- aliases)
- local alias
- while IFS= read -r alias ; do
- alias=${alias#alias.}
- alias=${alias%% *}
- case $alias in
- '') continue ;;
- "$2"*)
- COMPREPLY[${#COMPREPLY[@]}]=$alias
- ;;
- esac
- done < <(git config --get-regexp '^alias\.' 2>/dev/null)
- return
- ;;
- # Git subcommands
- subcommands)
- local execpath
- execpath=$(git --exec-path) || return
- local path
- for path in "$execpath"/git-"$2"* ; do
- ! [[ -d $path ]] || continue
- [[ -e $path ]] || continue
- [[ -x $path ]] || continue
- COMPREPLY[${#COMPREPLY[@]}]=${path#"$execpath"/git-}
- done
- return
- ;;
- esac
- # Try to find the index of the Git subcommand
- local -i sci i
- for ((i = 1; !sci && i <= COMP_CWORD; i++)) ; do
- case ${COMP_WORDS[i]} in
- # Skip --option=value
- --*=*) ;;
- # These ones have arguments, so bump the index up one more
- -C|-c|--exec-path|--git-dir|--work-tree|--namespace) ((i++)) ;;
- # Skip --option
- --?*) ;;
- # We have hopefully found our subcommand
- *) ((sci = i)) ;;
- esac
- done
- # Complete initial subcommand or alias
- if ((sci == COMP_CWORD)) ; then
- "${FUNCNAME[0]}" subcommands
- "${FUNCNAME[0]}" aliases
- return
- fi
- # Test subcommand to choose completions
- case ${COMP_WORDS[sci]} in
- # Help on real subcommands (not aliases)
- help)
- "${FUNCNAME[0]}" subcommands
- return
- ;;
- # Complete with remote subcommands and then remote names
- remote)
- if ((COMP_CWORD == 2)) ; then
- local word
- while IFS= read -r word ; do
- [[ -n $word ]] || continue
- done < <(compgen -W '
- add
- get-url
- prune
- remove
- rename
- set-branches
- set-head
- set-url
- show
- update
- ' -- "$2")
- else
- "${FUNCNAME[0]}" remotes
- fi
- return
- ;;
- # Complete with stash subcommands
- stash)
- ((COMP_CWORD == 2)) || return
- local word
- while IFS= read -r word ; do
- [[ -n $word ]] || continue
- done < <(compgen -W '
- apply
- branch
- clear
- create
- drop
- list
- pop
- save
- show
- store
- ' -- "$2")
- return
- ;;
- # Complete with submodule subcommands
- submodule)
- ((COMP_CWORD == 2)) || return
- local word
- while IFS= read -r word ; do
- [[ -n $word ]] || continue
- done < <(compgen -W '
- add
- deinit
- foreach
- init
- status
- summary
- sync
- update
- ' -- "$2")
- return
- ;;
- # Complete with remotes and then refs
- fetch|pull|push)
- if ((COMP_CWORD == 2)) ; then
- "${FUNCNAME[0]}" remotes
- else
- "${FUNCNAME[0]}" refs
- fi
- ;;
- # Commands for which I'm likely to want a ref
- branch|checkout|merge|rebase|tag)
- "${FUNCNAME[0]}" refs
- ;;
- # I normally only want a refspec for "reset" if I'm using the --hard or
- # --soft option; otherwise, files are fine
- reset)
- case $3 in
- --hard|--soft)
- "${FUNCNAME[0]}" refs
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
- esac
-complete -F _git -o bashdefault -o default git