path: root/vim/filetype.vim
diff options
authorTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2018-12-07 13:42:30 +1300
committerTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2018-12-08 11:48:00 +1300
commitc3e2ac92f72ac85967bdaf8d740d040f6e9c36b4 (patch)
treeb92dce7a46745985a48e1725ebdff5a253192598 /vim/filetype.vim
parentFix a local var name in openssl(1ssl) completion (diff)
Move filetype.vim helper funcs into autoload
May as well, now that we've dropped support for versions of Vim that don't have it.
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/filetype.vim')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 78 deletions
diff --git a/vim/filetype.vim b/vim/filetype.vim
index cc0de4e4..3ac816d4 100644
--- a/vim/filetype.vim
+++ b/vim/filetype.vim
@@ -10,81 +10,6 @@ if !has('autocmd') || &compatible
-" Helper function to run the 'filetypedetect' group on a file with its
-" extension stripped off
-function! s:StripRepeat()
- " Check we have the fnameescape() function
- if !exists('*fnameescape')
- return
- endif
- " Expand the match result
- let l:fn = expand('<afile>')
- " Strip leading and trailing #hashes#
- if l:fn =~# '^#\+.*#\+$'
- let l:fn = substitute(l:fn, '^#\+\(.\+\)#\+$', '\1', '')
- " Strip trailing tilde~
- elseif l:fn =~# '\~$'
- let l:fn = substitute(l:fn, '\~$', '', '')
- " Strip generic .extension
- else
- let l:fn = expand('<afile>:r')
- endif
- " Re-run the group if there's anything left
- if strlen(l:fn)
- execute 'doautocmd filetypedetect BufRead ' . fnameescape(l:fn)
- endif
-" Helper function to run the 'filetypedetect' group on a file in a temporary
-" sudoedit(8) directory, modifying it with an attempt to reverse the temporary
-" filename change
-function! s:SudoRepeat()
- " Check we have the fnameescape() function
- if !exists('*fnameescape')
- return
- endif
- " Expand the match result
- let l:fn = expand('<afile>')
- " myfileXXQGS16A.conf: strip eight chars before final period
- if l:fn =~# '/[^./]\+\w\{8}\.[^./]\+$'
- let l:fr = expand('<afile>:r')
- let l:fe = expand('<afile>:e')
- let l:fn = strpart(l:fr, -8, strlen(l:fr)) . '.' . l:fe
- " myfile.XXQGS16A: strip extension
- elseif l:fn =~# '/[^./]\+\.\w\{8}$'
- let l:fn = expand('<afile>:r')
- " Unrecognised pattern; return, don't repeat
- else
- return
- endif
- " Re-run the group if there's anything left
- if strlen(l:fn)
- execute 'doautocmd filetypedetect BufRead ' . fnameescape(l:fn)
- endif
-" Check whether the first line was changed and looks like a shebang, and if
-" so, re-run filetype detection
-function! s:CheckShebang()
- if line('''[') == 1 && getline(1) =~# '^#!'
- doautocmd filetypedetect BufRead
- endif
" Use our own filetype detection rules
augroup filetypedetect
@@ -97,7 +22,7 @@ augroup filetypedetect
- \ call s:StripRepeat()
+ \ call filetype#StripRepeat()
" Stuff Tom cares about enough and edits often enough to type based on
" filename patterns follows.
@@ -534,7 +459,7 @@ augroup filetypedetect
\ /var/tmp/?*????????.*
\ if !did_filetype()
- \| call s:SudoRepeat()
+ \| call filetype#SudoRepeat()
" Generic text, config, and log files, if no type assigned yet
@@ -568,6 +493,6 @@ augroup filetypedetect
" On leaving insert mode, check whether the first line was changed and looks
" like a shebang format, and if so, re-run filetype detection
- autocmd InsertLeave * call s:CheckShebang()
+ autocmd InsertLeave * call filetype#CheckShebang()
augroup END