path: root/vim/gvimrc
diff options
authorTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2018-06-21 16:12:08 +1200
committerTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2018-06-21 16:12:08 +1200
commit2baa8b5bb5a394c15549c7dda45f76a3ee3b4777 (patch)
tree82da0deaa89e7b11ee124e3ca84c7255566ccb65 /vim/gvimrc
parentMerge branch 'release/v0.57.0' (diff)
parentBump VERSION (diff)
Merge branch 'release/v0.58.0'v0.58.0
* release/v0.58.0: Bump VERSION Remove encoding .vimrc settings Correct two .vimrc spelling errors Review GUI Vim options in .gvimrc Add \c and \C bindings for cursor lines Add 'belloff' .vimrc setting Simplify exm(1df) Use simpler Vim :helptags build command More deckchairs on the Titanic Run :nohlsearch on re-sourcing .vimrc Use new 'display' setting 'truncate' if available Use slightly more correct v:version check Compress/improve .vimrc plugin disabling comments More alphabetical ordering in .vimrc Abbreviate .vimrc comment on 'swapfile' setting Update comment on Vim 'spelllang' Arrange .vimrc option in alphabetical order
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/gvimrc')
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/vim/gvimrc b/vim/gvimrc
index 128a396a..edf4f9cd 100644
--- a/vim/gvimrc
+++ b/vim/gvimrc
@@ -1,21 +1,17 @@
-" My choice of font changes depending on which operating system I'm using;
-" these are both workable monospace fonts, but Ubuntu Mono doesn't render very
-" nicely on Windows a lot of the time
+" Ubuntu Mono on Unix, Consolas on Windows
if has('unix')
- silent! let &guifont = 'Ubuntu Mono 12'
- silent! let &guifont = 'Consolas:h11'
+ set guifont=Ubuntu\ Mono\ 12
+elseif has('win32') || has('win64')
+ set guifont=Consolas:h11,Courier\ New:h11
-" Reset guioptions
+" Reset GUI options
set guioptions=
-" Use the system GUI clipboard
-set guioptions+=a
-" Use console dialogs instead of popup windows
-set guioptions+=c
-" Use the gVim icon
-set guioptions+=i
+set guioptions+=a " Use the system GUI clipboard
+set guioptions+=c " Use console dialogs, not popup windows
+set guioptions+=M " Don't load menu.vim (also set in .vimrc)
-" When the GUI starts, t_vb is reset to its default value, so it's necessary
-" to repeat this line from my .vimrc file that turns off visual bells
-set visualbell t_vb=
+" Stamp 'visualbell' back down again, if 'belloff' not available
+if !exists('+belloff')
+ set visualbell t_vb=