path: root/vim/indent
diff options
authorTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2018-07-07 15:35:50 +1200
committerTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2018-07-07 15:35:50 +1200
commite58e1999a351f7ce4116b13daac12bea1346cf06 (patch)
treed7c89ca2adc80ad7d7415f446dcf07f2443d1913 /vim/indent
parentMerge branch 'release/v1.22.0' (diff)
parentBump VERSION (diff)
Merge branch 'release/v1.23.0'v1.23.0
* release/v1.23.0: Bump VERSION Include up to 500 commit messages in merge log Rearrange Makefile for Neovim install Require semicolon on same line of heredoc Inline ternary condition in Perl Vim indent More speed refactoring for Perl Vim indent Rearrange heredoc/POD indent check for speed Refine Perl line cont hints in Vim indent Simplify Vim Perl shiftwidth calculation Simplify POD Vim indenting behaviour Add POD rules to Vim Perl indent Pass Vim indent line into Perl function Further extension of Perl Vim line cont rules Remove misplaced separator in b:undo_indent Revert "Remove Vim Perl indent" Remove Vim Perl indent Committing final state of Vim Perl indent Correct end of heredoc pattern in Vim Perl indent Adjust continued line indent for Vim Perl Add heredoc support to Vim Perl indent plugin Refactor rules in Vim Perl indent script Remove unneeded parens in Vim Perl indent script Rearrange settings in Vim Perl indent script Adjust a few Vim Perl indent comments Wrap comments with `gq` in Git commit messages Get 'shiftwidth' in Vim Perl indent portably Adjust leading comment for Vim Perl indent Refactor opening of Vim Perl indent script Add a comment to Vim Perl indent rules Add attempt at own Vim Perl indenting Correct has() to exists() in .vimrc Remove .vimrc 'report' setting Rearrange Vim's VimL indent file Add \k, \q, and \y .vimrc mappings Disable 'shiftround' in Vim for a while Add shebang_update.vim plugin Future-proof README.md discussion of Vim plugins Correct 'softtabstop' test in indent/vim.vim
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/indent')
1 files changed, 131 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vim/indent/perl.vim b/vim/indent/perl.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cd01f30b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/indent/perl.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+" Custom Vim indent file for Perl5; the stock one didn't suit me.
+" Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
+if exists('b:did_indent') || &compatible
+ finish
+let b:did_indent = 1
+" Indent settings
+setlocal indentexpr=GetPerlIndent(v:lnum)
+setlocal indentkeys=o,O,0=,0=},0=),0=],0=&&,0=\|\|,0=//,0=?,0=:,<Space>
+" Build patterns for heredoc indenting. Note that we detect indented heredocs
+" with tildes like <<~EOF, but we don't treat them any differently. We don't
+" strictly match the quotes either, in an effort to keep this fast.
+let s:heredoc_word = '\I\i*'
+let s:heredoc_open = '<<\~\?'
+ \ . '\('
+ \ . '\\\?' . s:heredoc_word
+ \ . '\|'
+ \ . "['`\"]" . s:heredoc_word . "['`\"]"
+ \ . '\)'
+ \ . '.*;\s*$'
+" Define indent function
+function! GetPerlIndent(lnum)
+ " Get previous line, bail if none
+ let l:pn = prevnonblank(a:lnum - 1)
+ if !l:pn
+ return 0
+ endif
+ " Heredoc and POD flags
+ let l:heredoc = 0
+ let l:pod = 0
+ " Start loop back through up to 512 lines of context
+ let l:lim = 512
+ let l:hpn = a:lnum > l:lim ? a:lnum - l:lim : 0
+ while l:hpn < a:lnum
+ let l:hpl = getline(l:hpn)
+ " If we're not in a heredoc and not in a comment ...
+ if !l:heredoc && l:hpl !~# '^\s*#'
+ " POD switching; match any section so that we can handle long PODs
+ if stridx(l:hpl, '=') == 0
+ let l:pod = stridx(l:hpl, '=cut') != 0
+ " Heredoc switch on
+ else
+ let l:hpm = matchstr(l:hpl, s:heredoc_open)
+ if strlen(l:hpm)
+ let l:heredoc = 1
+ let l:hpw = matchstr(l:hpm, s:heredoc_word)
+ let l:pn = l:hpn
+ endif
+ endif
+ " If we are in a heredoc and we found the token word, finish it
+ elseif l:heredoc && l:hpl =~# '^'.l:hpw.'\>'
+ let l:heredoc = 0
+ unlet l:hpw
+ endif
+ " Bump the loop index
+ let l:hpn = l:hpn + 1
+ endwhile
+ " If we ended up in a heredoc, never indent.
+ if l:heredoc
+ return 0
+ endif
+ " If we're in POD, just autoindent; simple and good enough.
+ if l:pod
+ return indent(a:lnum - 1)
+ endif
+ " Get data of previous non-blank and non-heredoc line
+ let l:pl = getline(l:pn)
+ let l:pi = indent(l:pn)
+ " Get value of 'shiftwidth'
+ let l:sw = &shiftwidth ? &shiftwidth : &tabstop
+ " Get current line properties
+ let l:cl = getline(a:lnum)
+ " Base indent with any fractional indent removed
+ let l:pb = l:pi - l:pi % l:sw
+ " Just follow comment indent
+ if l:pl =~# '^\s*#'
+ return l:pi
+ " Move out with closing brace
+ elseif l:cl =~# '^\s*[])}]'
+ return l:pb >= l:sw ? l:pb - l:sw : 0
+ " Move in after opening brace
+ elseif l:pl =~# '[{([]\s*$'
+ return l:pb + l:sw
+ " Never continue after a semicolon or a double-underscore
+ elseif l:pl =~# '\;\s*$'
+ \ || l:pl =~# '__DATA__'
+ \ || l:pl =~# '__END__'
+ return l:pb
+ " Line continuation hints
+ elseif l:pl =~# '[^])},]\s*$'
+ \ || l:cl =~# '^\s*\(and\|or\|xor\)'
+ \ || l:cl =~# '^\s*\(&&\|||\|//\)'
+ \ || l:cl =~# '^\s*[?:=]'
+ return l:pb + l:sw / 2
+ " Default to indent of previous line
+ else
+ return l:pb
+ endif
+" How to undo all of that
+let b:undo_indent = 'setlocal indentexpr<'
+ \ . '|setlocal indentkeys<'
+ \ . '|delfunction GetPerlIndent'