path: root/vim/plugin
diff options
authorTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2017-11-06 09:43:32 +1300
committerTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2017-11-06 09:43:32 +1300
commit62d652645dbe31f2e476a7bdcde18ba22445d555 (patch)
tree1a0ebbde63057f4b9d3354440b661a6271129921 /vim/plugin
parentMake background detection return not set value (diff)
Don't overwrite plugin-specified user commands
The Google Vimscript Style Guide says: <https://google.github.io/styleguide/vimscriptguide.xml#Commands> > Excluding [!] prevents your plugin from silently clobbering existing > commands. Command conflicts should be resolved by the user. This makes sense to me as we can think of <Plug> mapping and user commands as being the user-accessible portion of the interface, rather than the functions which can be properly namespaced with autoload#Syntax(), if exposed at all.
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/plugin')
2 files changed, 11 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/vim/plugin/command_typos.vim b/vim/plugin/command_typos.vim
index 16ba654d..adf2d0eb 100644
--- a/vim/plugin/command_typos.vim
+++ b/vim/plugin/command_typos.vim
@@ -14,30 +14,30 @@ endif
let g:loaded_command_typos = 1
" Define commands
-command! -bang -complete=file -nargs=?
+command -bang -complete=file -nargs=?
\ E
\ edit<bang> <args>
-command! -bang -complete=file -nargs=?
+command -bang -complete=file -nargs=?
\ W
\ write<bang> <args>
-command! -bang -complete=file -nargs=?
+command -bang -complete=file -nargs=?
\ WQ
\ wq<bang> <args>
-command! -bang -complete=file -nargs=?
+command -bang -complete=file -nargs=?
\ Wq
\ wq<bang> <args>
-command! -bang
+command -bang
\ Q
\ quit<bang>
-command! -bang
+command -bang
\ Qa
\ qall<bang>
-command! -bang
+command -bang
\ QA
\ qall<bang>
-command! -bang
+command -bang
\ Wa
\ wall<bang>
-command! -bang
+command -bang
\ WA
\ wa<bang>
diff --git a/vim/plugin/toggle_option_flag.vim b/vim/plugin/toggle_option_flag.vim
index f8dcd3a9..2543b8c3 100644
--- a/vim/plugin/toggle_option_flag.vim
+++ b/vim/plugin/toggle_option_flag.vim
@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ function! s:Toggle(option, flag, local)
" User commands wrapping around calls to the above function
-command! -nargs=+ -complete=option
+command -nargs=+ -complete=option
\ ToggleOptionFlag
\ call <SID>Toggle(<f-args>, 0)
-command! -nargs=+ -complete=option
+command -nargs=+ -complete=option
\ ToggleOptionFlagLocal
\ call <SID>Toggle(<f-args>, 1)