path: root/vim
diff options
authorTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2018-06-26 10:51:06 +1200
committerTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2018-06-26 10:56:31 +1200
commitc8816903f0dbae151385f7198610f24ad945c01d (patch)
tree57fd5ce529113810f0776f958ef9e98c095831ce /vim
parentRemap normal J only if loading plugins (diff)
Refactor filetype-specific .vimrc material
Put filetype bindings into a separate file filemap.vim at the same level as filetype.vim, to be loaded directly after the "filetype" command. This removes per-filetype logic one step from ~/.vimrc, which seems appropriate, and also allows me to use long line breaks in the new file.
Diffstat (limited to 'vim')
3 files changed, 74 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/vim/filemap.vim b/vim/filemap.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bbbf1955
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/filemap.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+" Filetype-specific mappings
+if &compatible || v:version < 700 || !has('autocmd')
+ finish
+" No 'loaded' guard; this file is an extension of our .vimrc, and we do want
+" to reload it if the .vimrc is re-sourced.
+" Set up filetype mapping hooks
+augroup filetypemap
+ autocmd!
+ " Clear existing local leader maps if possible
+ autocmd FileType *
+ \ silent! call clear_local_maps#Clear()
+ " Diff: prune sections
+ autocmd FileType diff
+ \ nmap <buffer> <LocalLeader>p <Plug>DiffPrune
+ \|xmap <buffer> <LocalLeader>p <Plug>DiffPrune
+ " HTML: lint, URL-to-link, tidy
+ autocmd FileType html
+ \ nmap <buffer> <LocalLeader>l <Plug>HtmlLint
+ \|nmap <buffer> <LocalLeader>r <Plug>HtmlUrlLink
+ \|nmap <buffer> <LocalLeader>t <Plug>HtmlTidy
+ " Perl: check, lint, and tidy
+ autocmd FileType perl
+ \ nmap <buffer> <LocalLeader>c <Plug>PerlCheck
+ \|nmap <buffer> <LocalLeader>l <Plug>PerlLint
+ \|nmap <buffer> <LocalLeader>t <Plug>PerlTidy
+ " PHP: check
+ autocmd FileType php
+ \ nmap <buffer> <LocalLeader>c <Plug>PhpCheck
+ " Shell: check and lint
+ autocmd FileType sh
+ \ nmap <buffer> <LocalLeader>c <Plug>ShCheck
+ \|nmap <buffer> <LocalLeader>l <Plug>ShLint
+ " VimL: lint
+ autocmd FileType vim
+ \ nmap <buffer> <LocalLeader>l <Plug>VimLint
+ " Zsh: check
+ autocmd FileType zsh
+ \ nmap <buffer> <LocalLeader>c <Plug>ZshCheck
+augroup END
diff --git a/vim/filetype.vim b/vim/filetype.vim
index 69847ba7..66b26455 100644
--- a/vim/filetype.vim
+++ b/vim/filetype.vim
@@ -324,15 +324,15 @@ augroup filetypedetect
- \ let b:is_bash = 1
- \ | setfiletype sh
+ \ let b:is_bash = 1
+ \|setfiletype sh
" Korn shell
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead
\ ?*.ksh
- \ let b:is_kornshell = 1
- \ | setfiletype sh
+ \ let b:is_kornshell = 1
+ \|setfiletype sh
" POSIX/Bourne shell
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead
\ ?*.sh
@@ -347,8 +347,8 @@ augroup filetypedetect
- \ let b:is_posix = 1
- \ | setfiletype sh
+ \ let b:is_posix = 1
+ \|setfiletype sh
" sed files
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead
\ ?*.sed
@@ -495,17 +495,17 @@ augroup filetypedetect
" been found; strip temporary extension and re-run
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead
\ /var/tmp/?*.????????
- \ if !did_filetype()
- \ | call s:StripRepeat()
- \ | endif
+ \ if !did_filetype()
+ \| call s:StripRepeat()
+ \|endif
" If we *still* don't have a filetype, run the scripts.vim file that will
" examine actual file contents--but only the first one; don't load the
" system one at all
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead,StdinReadPost
\ *
- \ if !did_filetype()
- \ | runtime scripts.vim
- \ | endif
+ \ if !did_filetype()
+ \| runtime scripts.vim
+ \|endif
augroup END
diff --git a/vim/vimrc b/vim/vimrc
index 4873b9cd..72106b0a 100644
--- a/vim/vimrc
+++ b/vim/vimrc
@@ -4,9 +4,11 @@
" own without the accompanying plugins to which it refers near the end of this
" file, but you'll get errors for some of the leader maps, for example.
-" Load filetype settings and plugins
+" Load filetype settings, plugins, and maps
if has('autocmd')
+ let g:maplocalleader = '_'
filetype plugin indent on
+ runtime filemap.vim
" Options dependent on the syntax feature
@@ -271,56 +273,15 @@ nmap <Leader>x <Plug>StripTrailingWhitespace
" \z sets NZ English spelling (compare \u)
nnoremap \z :<C-U>setlocal spelllang=en_nz spelllang?<CR>
-" Use underscore for a local leader, for any plugins that use the variable
-if 1
- let g:maplocalleader = '_'
-" Filetype-specific mappings
-if has('autocmd') && v:version >= 700
- augroup vimrc_filetype_mappings
- autocmd!
- " Clear existing local leader maps
- autocmd FileType * silent! call clear_local_maps#Clear()
- " Diff: prune sections
- autocmd FileType diff nmap <buffer> <LocalLeader>p <Plug>DiffPrune
- autocmd FileType diff xmap <buffer> <LocalLeader>p <Plug>DiffPrune
- " HTML: lint, URL-to-link, tidy
- autocmd FileType html nmap <buffer> <LocalLeader>l <Plug>HtmlLint
- autocmd FileType html nmap <buffer> <LocalLeader>r <Plug>HtmlUrlLink
- autocmd FileType html nmap <buffer> <LocalLeader>t <Plug>HtmlTidy
- " Perl: check, lint, and tidy
- autocmd FileType perl nmap <buffer> <LocalLeader>c <Plug>PerlCheck
- autocmd FileType perl nmap <buffer> <LocalLeader>l <Plug>PerlLint
- autocmd FileType perl nmap <buffer> <LocalLeader>t <Plug>PerlTidy
- " PHP: check
- autocmd FileType php nmap <buffer> <LocalLeader>c <Plug>PhpCheck
- " Shell: check and lint
- autocmd FileType sh nmap <buffer> <LocalLeader>c <Plug>ShCheck
- autocmd FileType sh nmap <buffer> <LocalLeader>l <Plug>ShLint
- " VimL: lint
- autocmd FileType vim nmap <buffer> <LocalLeader>l <Plug>VimLint
- " Zsh: check
- autocmd FileType zsh nmap <buffer> <LocalLeader>c <Plug>ZshCheck
- augroup END
+" Settings for plugins
+if &loadplugins
-" Add packaged matchit.vim, if supported
-if has('packages')
- packadd! matchit
+ " Add packaged matchit.vim, if supported
+ if has('packages')
+ packadd! matchit
+ endif
-" Disable core plugins I don't use
-if 1
+ " Skip loading some plugins:
" I manage plugins myself with Git and a Makefile
let g:loaded_getscriptPlugin = 1
let g:loaded_vimballPlugin = 1
@@ -336,6 +297,7 @@ if 1
let g:loaded_rrhelper = 1
" I don't need extra spelling files
let g:loaded_spellfile_plugin = 1
" Source any .vim files from ~/.vim/config