diff options
7 files changed, 35 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/VERSION b/VERSION
index de47937d..32fc8fcd 100644
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-tejr dotfiles v5.40.0
-Tue Jun 11 03:04:55 UTC 2019
+tejr dotfiles v5.41.0
+Tue Jun 11 03:35:38 UTC 2019
diff --git a/vim/autoload/spellfile_local.vim b/vim/autoload/spellfile_local.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aafe64ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/autoload/spellfile_local.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+function! spellfile_local#() abort
+ let spellfile = join([
+ \ substitute(expand('%:p'), '[^0-9A-Za-z_.-]', '%', 'g'),
+ \ substitute(v:lang, '_.*', '', ''),
+ \ &encoding
+ \ ], '.') . '.add'
+ Establish $MYVIM/cache/spell/local
+ execute 'setlocal spellfile+=$MYVIM/cache/spell/local/'.spellfile
+ nnoremap <buffer> zG 2zg
+ xnoremap <buffer> zG 2zg
diff --git a/vim/autoload/utc.vim b/vim/autoload/utc.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1a464342
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/autoload/utc.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+function! utc#(command) abort
+ let tz = expand('$TZ')
+ let $TZ = 'UTC' | execute a:command | let $TZ = tz
diff --git a/vim/plugin/put_date.vim b/vim/plugin/put_date.vim
index 0828abe4..d911486e 100644
--- a/vim/plugin/put_date.vim
+++ b/vim/plugin/put_date.vim
@@ -2,10 +2,5 @@ if exists('loaded_put_date')
let loaded_put_date = 1
-" Define a :PutDate command that inserts a line into the buffer with an
-" RFC-2822 date string, using the system strftime() implementation. Allow it
-" to accept a range which defaults to the current line.
command! -bar -range PutDate
\ <line1>put =strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %T %z')
diff --git a/vim/plugin/spellfile_local.vim b/vim/plugin/spellfile_local.vim
index bb6421f2..b04b7573 100644
--- a/vim/plugin/spellfile_local.vim
+++ b/vim/plugin/spellfile_local.vim
@@ -3,32 +3,17 @@ if exists('loaded_spellfile_local')
let loaded_spellfile_local = 1
-Establish $MYVIM/cache/spell
-let spellfile = join([
+let s:spellfile = join([
\ substitute(v:lang, '_.*', '', ''),
\ &encoding
\ ], '.') . '.add'
-execute 'set spellfile=$MYVIM/cache/spell/'.spellfile
-Establish $MYVIM/cache/spell/local
-function! AddLocalSpellFile() abort
- let spellfile = join([
- \ substitute(expand('%:p'), '[^0-9A-Za-z_.-]', '%', 'g'),
- \ substitute(v:lang, '_.*', '', ''),
- \ &encoding
- \ ], '.') . '.add'
- setlocal spellfile<
- execute 'setlocal spellfile+=$MYVIM/cache/spell/local/'.spellfile
- nnoremap <buffer> zG 2zg
- xnoremap <buffer> zG 2zg
+Establish $MYVIM/cache/spell
+execute 'set spellfile=$MYVIM/cache/spell/'.s:spellfile
command! AddLocalSpellFile
- \ call AddLocalSpellFile()
+ \ call spellfile_local#()
augroup spellfile_local
- autocmd BufRead *
+ autocmd BufNew,BufRead *
\ AddLocalSpellFile
augroup END
diff --git a/vim/plugin/utc.vim b/vim/plugin/utc.vim
index 8fb84890..e395ebd4 100644
--- a/vim/plugin/utc.vim
+++ b/vim/plugin/utc.vim
@@ -2,30 +2,5 @@ if exists('loaded_utc')
let loaded_utc = 1
-" Define a :UTC command wrapper, implemented with a script-local function of
-" the same name. Use expand('$TZ') to ensure we're getting the value of the
-" current timezone from the environment, and cache that in a local variable
-" just long enough to manipulate the environment into using UTC for a command.
-" While this is a tidy way to abstract the operation for the map, I don't like
-" the function implementation much at all. It works OK in stable versions of
-" Vim, but changing an environment variable just long enough to affect the
-" outcome of a command as a side effect seems a bit gross.
-" Worse, the whole thing presently seems to be broken in v8.1.1487; the
-" timezone first chosen seems to 'stick' permanently, and the mapping each
-" produce timestamps in that zone. I haven't worked out why this happens yet.
-" Using the new getenv() and setenv() functions does not seem to fix it. It
-" works fine in Debian GNU/Linux's packaged v8.0.x.
-function! s:UTC(command) abort
- let tz = expand('$TZ')
- let $TZ = 'UTC' | execute a:command | let $TZ = tz
-" The :UTC command itself completes another command name, and accepts one
-" required argument, which it passes in quoted form to the helper function.
command! -bar -complete=command -nargs=1 UTC
\ call s:UTC(<q-args>)
diff --git a/vim/vimrc b/vim/vimrc
index 1ba3805e..e74abeff 100644
--- a/vim/vimrc
+++ b/vim/vimrc
@@ -153,16 +153,25 @@ command! -bar ReloadFileType
" specified by filetype and indent plugins. To handle this, we'll define the
" command to run :ReloadFileType after the vimrc file is sourced.
-" We can't put these two commands in a script-local function in the vimrc, in
-" order to be tidy like we did for :ReloadFileType above, because Vim would
-" get upset that we're trying to redefine a function as it executes!
+" We can't put the actual :source command into the script-local function,
+" because Vim would get upset that we're trying to redefine a function as it
+" executes!
" Just to be on the safe side, we also suppress any further ##SourceCmd hooks
" from running the :source command with a :noautocmd wrapper. This is
" a defensive measure to avoid infinite recursion.
+" We emit a faked display of the command, as well, just to make it clear that
+" something has happened. The :redraw just before that message seems to be
+" necessary, but I'm not sure why.
+function! s:ReloadVimrc() abort
+ ReloadFileType
+ redraw
+ echo ':ReloadVimrc'
command! -bar ReloadVimrc
- \ noautocmd source $MYVIMRC | ReloadFileType
+ \ noautocmd source $MYVIMRC | call s:ReloadVimrc()
" Reset and define a group of automatic command hooks specific to matters
" related to reloading the vimrc itself.