path: root/vim/after/ftplugin/gitcommit
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/after/ftplugin/gitcommit')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/gitcommit/quote.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/gitcommit/quote.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 61fa0509..00000000
--- a/vim/after/ftplugin/gitcommit/quote.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-" gitcommit/quote.vim: Make angle-bracket quote characters behave like they do
-" in mail messages, inserting the comment leader automatically on new lines
-" and auto-formatting them.
-" Don't load if running compatible or too old
-if &compatible || v:version < 700
- finish
-" Don't load if already loaded
-if exists('b:did_ftplugin_gitcommit_quote')
- finish
-" Flag as loaded
-let b:did_ftplugin_gitcommit_quote = 1
-let b:undo_ftplugin = b:undo_ftplugin
- \ . '|unlet b:did_ftplugin_gitcommit_quote'
-" Use trailing whitespace to denote continued paragraph
-setlocal comments+=n:>
-setlocal formatoptions+=c
-let b:undo_ftplugin = b:undo_ftplugin
- \ . '|setlocal comments<'
- \ . '|setlocal formatoptions<'