path: root/vim/config/undo.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/config/undo.vim')
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vim/config/undo.vim b/vim/config/undo.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3df06d80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/config/undo.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+" Rebind Ctrl-C in insert mode to undo the current insert operation
+inoremap <C-c> <C-c>u
+" Keep screeds of undo history
+set undolevels=2000
+" Keep undo history in a separate file if the feature is available, we're on
+" Unix, and not using sudo(8); this goes really well with undo visualization
+" plugins like Gundo or Undotree.
+if !strlen($SUDO_USER) && has('unix') && has('persistent_undo')
+ " Keep per-file undo history in ~/.vim/undo; the double-slash at the end
+ " of the directory prods Vim into keeping the full path to the file in its
+ " undo filename to avoid collisions; the same thing works for swap files
+ set undofile
+ set undodir^=~/.vim/undo//
+ " Create the ~/.vim/undo directory if necessary and possible
+ if !isdirectory($HOME . '/.vim/undo') && exists('*mkdir')
+ call mkdir($HOME . '/.vim/undo', 'p', 0700)
+ endif
+ " Don't track changes to sensitive files
+ if has('autocmd')
+ augroup undoskip
+ autocmd!
+ silent! autocmd BufWritePre
+ \ /tmp/*,$TMPDIR/*,$TMP/*,$TEMP/*,*/shm/*
+ \ setlocal noundofile
+ augroup END
+ endif