path: root/vim/plugin
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/plugin')
5 files changed, 113 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/vim/plugin/copy_linebreak.vim b/vim/plugin/copy_linebreak.vim
index 40f03393..2b5f7243 100644
--- a/vim/plugin/copy_linebreak.vim
+++ b/vim/plugin/copy_linebreak.vim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-" copy_linebreak.vim: Bind a user-defined key sequence to turn off linebreak
-" and toggle the showbreak characters and breakindent mode on and off, for
-" convenience of copying multiple lines from terminal emulators.
+" copy_linebreak.vim: Bind user-defined key sequences to toggle a group of
+" options that make text wrapped with 'wrap' copy-paste friendly. Also creates
+" user commands if it can.
" Author: Tom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>
" License: Same as Vim itself
@@ -13,29 +13,54 @@ if exists('g:loaded_copy_linebreak')
let g:loaded_copy_linebreak = 1
-" Define function
-function! s:CopyLinebreak()
+" Enable copy-friendly linebreak options
+function! s:CopyLinebreakEnable()
+ setlocal nolinebreak linebreak?
+ setlocal showbreak=
+ if exists('&breakindent')
+ setlocal nobreakindent
+ endif
- " If linebreak is on, turn it off
- if &l:linebreak
- setlocal nolinebreak linebreak?
- setlocal showbreak=
- if exists('&breakindent')
- setlocal nobreakindent
- endif
+" Disable copy-friendly linebreak options
+function! s:CopyLinebreakDisable()
+ setlocal linebreak linebreak?
+ setlocal showbreak<
+ if exists('&breakindent')
+ setlocal breakindent<
+ endif
- " If it's off, turn it on
+" Toggle copy-friendly linebreak options, using the current setting for the
+" 'linebreak' option as the pivot
+function! s:CopyLinebreakToggle()
+ if &linebreak
+ call <SID>CopyLinebreakEnable()
- setlocal linebreak linebreak?
- setlocal showbreak<
- if exists('&breakindent')
- setlocal breakindent
- endif
+ call <SID>CopyLinebreakDisable()
-" Provide mapping proxy to the function just defined
+" Provide mappings to the function just defined
noremap <silent> <unique>
- \ <Plug>CopyLinebreak
- \ :<C-U>call <SID>CopyLinebreak()<CR>
+ \ <Plug>CopyLinebreakEnable
+ \ :<C-U>call <SID>CopyLinebreakEnable()<CR>
+noremap <silent> <unique>
+ \ <Plug>CopyLinebreakDisable
+ \ :<C-U>call <SID>CopyLinebreakDisable()<CR>
+noremap <silent> <unique>
+ \ <Plug>CopyLinebreakToggle
+ \ :<C-U>call <SID>CopyLinebreakToggle()<CR>
+" Provide user commands if we can
+if has('user_commands')
+ command -nargs=0
+ \ CopyLinebreakEnable
+ \ call <SID>CopyLinebreakEnable
+ command -nargs=0
+ \ CopyLinebreakDisable
+ \ call <SID>CopyLinebreakDisable
+ command -nargs=0
+ \ CopyLinebreakToggle
+ \ call <SID>CopyLinebreakToggle
diff --git a/vim/plugin/fixed_join.vim b/vim/plugin/fixed_join.vim
index 4c7c7ed4..2c9e1d92 100644
--- a/vim/plugin/fixed_join.vim
+++ b/vim/plugin/fixed_join.vim
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-" fixed_join.vim: User-defined key mapping to keep cursor in place when
-" joining lines in normal mode.
+" fixed_join.vim: User-defined key mapping and optional command to keep cursor
+" in place when joining lines in normal mode.
" Author: Tom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>
" License: Same as Vim itself
@@ -31,3 +31,10 @@ endfunction
noremap <silent> <unique>
\ <Plug>FixedJoin
\ :<C-U>call <SID>FixedJoin()<CR>
+" Create a command as well in case it's useful
+if has('user_commands')
+ command -nargs=0
+ \ FixedJoin
+ \ call <SID>FixedJoin()
diff --git a/vim/plugin/strip_trailing_whitespace.vim b/vim/plugin/strip_trailing_whitespace.vim
index 9fb2e65b..1264a11f 100644
--- a/vim/plugin/strip_trailing_whitespace.vim
+++ b/vim/plugin/strip_trailing_whitespace.vim
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-" strip_trailing_whitespace.vim: User-defined key mapping to strip trailing
-" whitespace in the whole document.
+" strip_trailing_whitespace.vim: User-defined key mapping and optional command
+" to strip trailing whitespace in the whole document.
" Author: Tom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>
" License: Same as Vim itself
@@ -67,3 +67,10 @@ endfunction
noremap <silent> <unique>
\ <Plug>StripTrailingWhitespace
\ :<C-U>call <SID>StripTrailingWhitespace()<CR>
+" Define a user command too, if we can
+if has('user_commands')
+ command -nargs=0
+ \ StripTrailingWhiteSpace
+ \ call <SID>StripTrailingWhitespace()
diff --git a/vim/plugin/user_ftplugin.vim b/vim/plugin/user_ftplugin.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d9739bda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/plugin/user_ftplugin.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+" user_ftplugin.vim: When switching filetypes, look for a b:undo_user_ftplugin
+" variable and use it in much the same way the core's ftplugin.vim does
+" b:undo_ftplugin in Vim >= 7.0. This allows you to undo your own ftplugin
+" files the same way you can the core ones.
+if exists('g:loaded_user_ftplugin')
+ \ || !has('autocmd')
+ \ || &compatible
+ finish
+let g:loaded_user_ftplugin = 1
+function! s:LoadUserFtplugin()
+ if exists('b:undo_user_ftplugin')
+ execute b:undo_user_ftplugin
+ unlet b:undo_user_ftplugin
+ endif
+augroup user_ftplugin
+ autocmd!
+ autocmd FileType * call s:LoadUserFtplugin()
+augroup END
diff --git a/vim/plugin/user_indent.vim b/vim/plugin/user_indent.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..01596bdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/plugin/user_indent.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+" user_indent.vim: When switching filetypes, look for a b:undo_user_indent
+" variable and use it in much the same way the core's indent.vim does
+" b:undo_indent in Vim >= 7.0. This allows you to undo your own indent files
+" the same way you can the core ones.
+if exists('g:loaded_user_indent')
+ \ || !has('autocmd')
+ \ || &compatible
+ finish
+let g:loaded_user_indent = 1
+function! s:LoadUserIndent()
+ if exists('b:undo_user_indent')
+ execute b:undo_user_indent
+ unlet b:undo_user_indent
+ endif
+augroup user_indent
+ autocmd!
+ autocmd FileType * call s:LoadUserIndent()
+augroup END