path: root/vim/vimrc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/vimrc')
1 files changed, 20 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/vim/vimrc b/vim/vimrc
index 69f63083..122a108d 100644
--- a/vim/vimrc
+++ b/vim/vimrc
@@ -4,6 +4,15 @@
" Undo anything the operating system's vimrc may have broken
runtime system.vim
+" Set an environment variable for the user runtime directory
+if !exists('$MYVIMRUNTIME')
+ if has('win32') || has('win64')
+ let $MYVIMRUNTIME = expand('~/vimfiles')
+ else
+ let $MYVIMRUNTIME = expand('~/.vim')
+ endif
" Load filetype settings, plugins, and maps
if has('autocmd')
let g:maplocalleader = ','
@@ -49,16 +58,13 @@ set backspace+=start " The start of current insertion
" Try to keep backups in one system-appropriate dir
set backup
-if has('win32') || has('win64')
- set backupdir^=~/vimfiles/cache/backup
- set backupdir^=~/.vim/cache/backup
+set backupdir^=$MYVIMRUNTIME/cache/backup
" Add some paths not to back up
if has('unix')
set backupskip^=/dev/shm/* " Shared memory RAM disk
- set backupskip^=/var/tmp/* " Debian's $TMPDIR for sudoedit(8)
+ set backupskip^=/usr/tmp/* " Hardcoded path for `sudo -e`
+ set backupskip^=/var/tmp/* " Hardcoded path for `sudo -e`
" Indent wrapped lines if supported
@@ -78,12 +84,12 @@ endif
" Give me a prompt instead of just rejecting risky :write, :saveas
set confirm
+" Require two spaces for sentence objects
+" Yes, I have become a filthy two-spacer
+set cpoptions+=J
" Try to keep swapfiles in one system-appropriate dir
-if has('win32') || has('win64')
- set directory^=~/vimfiles/cache/swap//
- set directory^=~/.vim/cache/swap//
+set directory^=$MYVIMRUNTIME/cache/swap//
" Use UTF-8 if we can and env LANG didn't tell us not to
if has('multi_byte') && !exists('$LANG') && &encoding ==# 'latin1'
@@ -133,9 +139,6 @@ set include=
" Show search matches as I type my pattern
set incsearch
-" Don't join lines with two spaces at the end of sentences
-set nojoinspaces
" Don't show a statusline if there's only one window
" This is the Vim default, but NeoVim changed it
if &laststatus != 1
@@ -187,22 +190,16 @@ set showbreak=...
set splitbelow " Below the current window, not above
set splitright " Right of the current window, not left
-" Give me a bit longer to complete mappings
-set timeoutlen=3000
" No terminal mouse, even if we could
-if exists('+ttymouse')
+" The manual says to set 't_RV', but I don't like that
+if exists('+ttymouse') && &ttymouse !=# ''
set ttymouse=
" Keep undo files, hopefully in a dedicated directory
if has('persistent_undo')
set undofile
- if has('win32') || has('win64')
- set undodir^=~/vimfiles/cache/undo//
- else
- set undodir^=~/.vim/cache/undo//
- endif
+ set undodir^=$MYVIMRUNTIME/cache/undo//
" Wildmenu settings; see also plugin/wildignore.vim