path: root/vim
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2 files changed, 36 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/vim/autoload/vimrc.vim b/vim/autoload/vimrc.vim
index f5cad283..b3a28062 100644
--- a/vim/autoload/vimrc.vim
+++ b/vim/autoload/vimrc.vim
@@ -1,26 +1,5 @@
" Utility functions for use in .vim/vimrc only
-" Escape a text value for :execute-based :set inclusion as an option value
-function! vimrc#EscapeSet(string) abort
- " Escape all the characters that `:help option-backslash` warns us about
- return escape(a:string, '\ |"')
-" Escape a text value for :execute-based :set inclusion as an element in
-" a comma-separated option value
-function! vimrc#EscapeSetPart(string) abort
- " Message to future Tom: yes, the comma being the sole inner escaped
- " character here is correct. No, we shouldn't escape backslash itself.
- " Yes, that means it's impossible to have the literal string '\,' in a part.
- " Yes, this reflects what Vim does internally. Read the source of
- " copy_option_part() in vim/src/misc2.c to confirm.
- return vimrc#EscapeSet(escape(a:string, ','))
" Expand the first path in an option string, check if it exists, and attempt
" to create it if it doesn't. Strip double-trailing-slash hints.
function! vimrc#Ensure(string) abort
diff --git a/vim/vimrc b/vim/vimrc
index 4edc1a96..f3f901e8 100644
--- a/vim/vimrc
+++ b/vim/vimrc
@@ -33,17 +33,29 @@
" variable for the first runtime directory? It's a mystery, and that's why so
" is mankind.
+" We'll use the first path specified in 'runtimepath', rather like Vim itself
+" does for spelling database files in the absence of a setting for
+" 'spellfile'. Splitting the values of an option like 'runtimepath' correctly
+" is a bit more complicated than it seems; we defer that to an autoloaded
+" utility function for clarity.
if !exists('$MYVIM') && &runtimepath !=# ''
+ let $MYVIM = vimrc#SplitOption(&runtimepath)[0]
- " We'll use the first path specified in 'runtimepath', rather like Vim
- " itself does for spelling database files in the absence of a setting for
- " 'spellfile'. Splitting the values of an option like 'runtimepath' is
- " a bit more complicated than it looks; we defer it to an autoloaded utility
- " function for clarity.
- "
- let s:runtimepath_paths = vimrc#SplitOption(&runtimepath)
- let $MYVIM = s:runtimepath_paths[0]
+" The path named in the MYVIM environment variable can't contain a comma
+" anywhere, because its use in comma-separated option values will confuse Vim
+" into thinking more than one directory is being specified for the option
+" value, per normal :set semantics. If it does, we refuse to proceed.
+" It's possible to work around this with some careful escaping, either at :set
+" time with an :execute abstraction or with a separate environment variable
+" for that particular context, but it's not really worth the extra complexity
+" for such a niche situation.
+if stridx($MYVIM, ',') != -1
+ echoerr '$MYVIM contains a comma, refusing to proceed'
+ finish
" Create a 'vimrc' automatic command hook group, if it already exists, and
@@ -121,11 +133,11 @@ set backup
" It's all so awkward. Surely options named something like 'backupfullpath',
" 'swapfilefullpath', and 'undofullpath' would have been clearer.
-let s:backupdir = $MYVIM.'/cache/backup'
if vimrc#Version('8.1.251')
- let s:backupdir .= '//'
+ set backupdir^=$MYVIM/cache/backup//
+ set backupdir^=$MYVIM/cache/backup
-execute 'set backupdir^='.vimrc#EscapeSetPart(s:backupdir)
" Create the first path in the 'backupdir' list, the one we just added, if it
" doesn't already exist. It isn't created automatically, which is by design.
@@ -140,30 +152,18 @@ call vimrc#Ensure(&backupdir)
if has('unix')
- " * /dev/shm: RAM disk, default path for password-store's temporary files
- " * /usr/tmp: Hard-coded path for sudoedit(8) [1/2]
- " * /var/tmp: Hard-coded path for sudoedit(8) [2/2]
- "
- let s:backupskip_patterns = [
- \ '/dev/shm/*'
- \,'/usr/tmp/*'
- \,'/var/tmp/*'
- \ ]
" Vim doesn't seem to check patterns added to 'backupskip' for uniqueness,
" so adding them repeatedly if this file is reloaded results in duplicates.
- " This might be a bug in Vim. To work around this, we attempt to remove
- " each pattern before we add it.
+ " This might be a bug in Vim. To work around this, we reset the path back
+ " to its default first.
+ set backupskip&
- " We sort and add them backwards only so that they're in alphabetical order
- " in the final option!
+ " * /dev/shm: RAM disk, default path for password-store's temporary files
+ " * /usr/tmp: Hard-coded path for sudoedit(8) [1/2]
+ " * /var/tmp: Hard-coded path for sudoedit(8) [2/2]
- for s:pattern in reverse(sort(s:backupskip_patterns))
- let s:pattern_escaped = vimrc#EscapeSetPart(s:pattern)
- execute 'set'
- \.' backupskip-='.s:pattern_escaped
- \.' backupskip^='.s:pattern_escaped
- endfor
+ set backupskip^=/dev/shm/*,/usr/tmp/*,/var/tmp/*
@@ -243,8 +243,7 @@ set dictionary^=/usr/share/dict/words
" trailing slashes to the path to prompt Vim to use the full escaped path in
" its name, in order to avoid filename collisions.
-let s:directory = $MYVIM.'/cache/swap'.'//'
-execute 'set directory^='.vimrc#EscapeSetPart(s:directory)
+set directory^=$MYVIM/cache/swap
" Create the first path in the 'directory' swapfile path list, the one we just
" added, if it doesn't already exist. It isn't created automatically, which
@@ -434,7 +433,7 @@ set splitright " Right of the current window, not left
set synmaxcol=500
" Add thesaurus; install with `make install-vim-thesaurus`
-execute 'set thesaurus^='.vimrc#EscapeSetPart($MYVIM.'/ref/thesaurus.txt')
+set thesaurus^=$MYVIM/ref/thesaurus.txt
" PuTTY is a fast terminal, but Vim doesn't know that yet
if &term =~# '^putty'
@@ -450,7 +449,7 @@ endif
" Keep persistent undo files in dedicated directory, named with full path
if has('persistent_undo') " v7.2.438
set undofile
- execute 'set undodir^='.vimrc#EscapeSetPart($MYVIM.'/cache/undo//')
+ set undodir^=$MYVIM/cache/undo//
call vimrc#Ensure(&undodir)
@@ -459,7 +458,7 @@ endif
if exists('+viminfofile') " Use new option method if we can (v8.1.716)
set viminfofile=$MYVIM/cache/viminfo
else " Resort to clunkier method with 'viminfo' option flag
- execute 'set viminfo+='.vimrc#EscapeSet('n'.$MYVIM.'/cache/viminfo')
+ set viminfo+=n$MYVIM/cache/viminfo
" Let me move beyond buffer text in visual block mode