path: root/bin/gms
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Improve commenting/exit handling in binscriptsTom Ryder2016-08-091-1/+1
* Remove unused self varTom Ryder2016-08-081-1/+0
* Make gms(1) POSIX sh(1)Tom Ryder2016-08-081-17/+20
| | | | | | | Abandon use of flock(1) for the clunkier but POSIX-compatible lockdir system: <http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/045>
* Update options for gms(1) use of try(1)Tom Ryder2016-08-081-1/+1
* Get rid of a lot of comment boilerplateTom Ryder2016-08-021-8/+1
| | | | This is all stuff that should be or is in the manpages
* Rename binscripts more terselyTom Ryder2016-06-221-0/+36