path: root/vim/after/ftplugin/html.vim
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Make <LocalLeader>f to toggle HTML/PHPTom Ryder2018-12-191-0/+5
* Unseat tidy(1) as HTML 'equalprg'Tom Ryder2018-12-041-3/+8
* Remove boilerplate after/ftplugin load guardsTom Ryder2018-11-291-2/+2
* Wrap autocmd! clear for ft=mail in :executeTom Ryder2018-11-291-2/+2
* Add timestamp augroup clearing to Vim ft=htmlTom Ryder2018-11-291-0/+1
* Abbreviate Vim ft=html autocmd clearingTom Ryder2018-11-291-1/+1
* Correct indentation in a few vim/after scriptsTom Ryder2018-11-261-3/+3
* Improve a comment on HTML URL linksTom Ryder2018-08-071-1/+1
* Overhaul after/ftpluginTom Ryder2018-07-101-10/+5
* Clear b:current_compiler on unloadTom Ryder2018-07-091-0/+1
* Overhaul ftplugin check, lint, tidyTom Ryder2018-07-091-10/+14
* Overhaul base after-ftpluginsTom Ryder2018-07-081-20/+7
* Make Vim ftplugin preamble consistent with pluginsTom Ryder2018-07-011-1/+4
* Merge HTML timestamp into after/ftplugin/html.vimTom Ryder2018-07-011-0/+12
* Refactor ftplugins into single filesTom Ryder2018-06-301-0/+27
* Move vim/after/ftplugin files into vim/ftpluginTom Ryder2017-10-301-11/+0
* Remove blank lines at end of filesTom Ryder2016-03-281-1/+0
* Use surround commands to get current wordTom Ryder2015-06-171-1/+1
* Add tidy(1) function with \vTom Ryder2015-06-171-0/+3
* Add a function to make quick linksTom Ryder2015-06-171-0/+9