path: root/vim/after/ftplugin/markdown.vim
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Disable 'spellcapcheck' for README.md filesTom Ryder2018-07-131-4/+16
* Check for 'spell' feature in ftpluginsTom Ryder2018-07-121-1/+1
* Overhaul after/ftpluginTom Ryder2018-07-101-3/+2
* Overhaul base after-ftpluginsTom Ryder2018-07-081-11/+2
* Test 'modifiable' for spellchecking text/markdownTom Ryder2018-07-081-1/+1
* Don't spellcheck &readonly text/markdownTom Ryder2018-07-021-4/+6
* Make Vim ftplugin preamble consistent with pluginsTom Ryder2018-07-011-1/+4
* Refactor ftplugins into single filesTom Ryder2018-06-301-0/+15
* No more auto-wrappingTom Ryder2014-12-031-3/+0
* formatoptions should not be set in vimrcTom Ryder2013-05-071-0/+3