path: root/vim/autoload/markdown.vim
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Add abort attribute for markdown#Fold()Tom Ryder2019-12-301-1/+1
* Move Markdown folding into functionTom Ryder2019-12-301-0/+23
* Add a few comment linesTom Ryder2019-12-211-0/+2
* Replace existing Markdown heading underlinesTom Ryder2019-06-231-2/+7
* Add comments to Markdown heading mappingTom Ryder2019-05-211-0/+12
* End heading mapping on first columnTom Ryder2019-05-211-0/+1
* Improve Markdown heading mappingTom Ryder2019-05-211-2/+5
* Add mappings and function for Markdown headingsTom Ryder2019-05-211-0/+6