path: root/vim/config/windows.vim
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Use exists+ test rather than exists&Tom Ryder2017-11-101-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | From :help hidden-options: >Not all options are supported in all versions. This depends on the >supported features and sometimes on the system. A remark about this is >in curly braces below. When an option is not supported it may still be >set without getting an error, this is called a hidden option. You can't >get the value of a hidden option though, it is not stored. > >To test if option "foo" can be used with ":set" use something like this: > if exists('&foo') >This also returns true for a hidden option. To test if option "foo" is >really supported use something like this: > if exists('+foo')
* Adjust some whitespace and comment layoutTom Ryder2017-11-101-0/+1
* Move windows .vimrc config into subfileTom Ryder2017-10-281-0/+27
Not the operating system; Vim editor windows.