path: root/vim/ftdetect/yacc.vim
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Consolidate .vimrc and .vim/filetype.vimTom Ryder2018-06-061-4/+0
| | | | And add .vim/script.vim, to be composed in the next commit
* Implement personal filetype.vimTom Ryder2018-06-031-0/+4
This implements only the syntax highlighting for file types I regularly use and care about, implemented in the way I want them to work, with files named per type in ftdetect/*.vim. I have chosen only file types with which I regularly deal and for which syntax highlighting and filetype/indent plugins are actually useful. Most other files, e.g. system config files I edit infrequently and only with sudoedit(8), don't really benefit from that. Much of this is just copied from the distribution filetype.vim file, but some of it I do specifically in a way I want, such as the shell decision logic. We'll see how well this works.