path: root/vim/plugin/fixed_join.vim
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Spin off fixed_join Vim pluginTom Ryder2018-05-301-45/+0
* Bind norm J on fixed_join.vim load if appropriateTom Ryder2017-11-121-0/+6
* Move lots of local Vim config into vim/afterTom Ryder2017-11-121-2/+1
* Add :FixedJoin commandTom Ryder2017-11-071-2/+9
* Use consistent comment layout for Vim pluginsTom Ryder2017-11-061-2/+2
* Add short-circuit boilerplate to pluginsTom Ryder2017-11-041-17/+20
* Adjust plugin code layout a lotTom Ryder2017-11-041-1/+2
* Use same comment boilerplate for custom pluginsTom Ryder2017-11-041-0/+5
* Don't suggest mappings in Vim plugin commentsTom Ryder2017-11-041-2/+0
* Spin stable join config out into new pluginTom Ryder2017-11-041-0/+26