path: root/vim/plugin/user_indent.vim
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Add user_ftplugin.vim and user_indent.vim pluginsTom Ryder2017-11-071-0/+24
This reverts commit 09b83b6 and replaces it with a working version. Because of the order in which the autocmd hooks run, the attempted method of adding unloading instructions for my custom ftplugin and indent rules to the b:undo_ftplugin and b:undo_indent doesn't actually work. This is because the custom rules for both groups from ~/.vim are sourced *first*, before their core versions, so the changes the custom rules made to b:undo_ftplugin and b:undo_indent are simply clobbered by the core version when it loads itself. Therefore we need to arrange for two things: 1. A custom variable needs to be checked and executed when the filetype changes to revert the changes for the custom ftplugin or indent rules. 2. That execution needs to take place *first* when the filetype changes. I wrote two simple plugins with very similar code that are designed to run as a user's custom ftplugin.vim and indent.vim implementations, running before their brethren in the Vim core, and setting up an autocmd hook to :execute b:undo_user_ftplugin and b:undo_user_indent plugin respectively. This seemed to work well, so I've implemented it. It involves adding a shim to ~/.vim/indent.vim and ~/.vim/ftplugin.vim to "preload" the plugin when the `filetype indent plugin on` call is made. I've added that to the relevant Makefile targets.