path: root/vim/vimrc
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Couple of Emacs keys for command modeTom Ryder2012-06-091-0/+2
* Hold cursor in place when joining linesTom Ryder2012-06-091-0/+1
* Set textwidth for MarkdownTom Ryder2012-06-091-0/+1
* Use more of the formatting optionsTom Ryder2012-06-091-1/+2
* Sensible completion shortcutsTom Ryder2012-06-091-0/+4
* More elegant way to set cursorcolumn for MarkdownTom Ryder2012-06-091-1/+1
* Shortcuts for setting common filetypesTom Ryder2012-06-091-0/+14
* Prevent syntax highlighting for long linesTom Ryder2012-06-091-0/+1
* Use colorcolumn limit in Markdown if availableTom Ryder2012-06-071-1/+4
* Conditional wrapping for MarkdownTom Ryder2012-06-051-6/+6
* Use hard wrap of 80 columns with MarkdownTom Ryder2012-06-041-0/+6
* Unmap Q in normal mode (Ex mode)Tom Ryder2012-05-261-0/+1
* Nope, still got it wrong.Tom Ryder2012-05-181-5/+5
* Fix alphabetical ordering of sections.Tom Ryder2012-05-181-3/+3
* Map ZW to :w! for quick forced writesTom Ryder2012-05-181-0/+3
* This either.Tom Ryder2012-04-271-2/+0
* I didn't mean to commit that.Tom Ryder2012-04-271-1/+0
* Add reference to optional vim conf file.Tom Ryder2012-04-271-0/+8
* Tidied typo definitions.Tom Ryder2012-04-161-3/+1
* No local buffer support for [no]hlsearch.Tom Ryder2012-03-071-2/+2
* Missed qa! as possible typo command.Tom Ryder2012-03-051-0/+2
* Where did that come from?Tom Ryder2012-03-021-1/+1
* Oops, needs to be wrapped in a conditional.Tom Ryder2012-03-021-1/+3
* Ignore case in wildmenu in Vim.Tom Ryder2012-03-021-0/+1
* Just one <Tab> press for completion. Much nicer.Tom Ryder2012-03-021-1/+1
* Always report substitution line count.Tom Ryder2012-02-281-0/+1
* Set autoread.Tom Ryder2012-02-281-0/+3
* Move message options into own section.Tom Ryder2012-02-281-1/+3
* Nice complement to shiftwidth.Tom Ryder2012-02-271-0/+1
* Explicitly set scrolling options.Tom Ryder2012-02-271-1/+2
* Remove silent! call to showtabline.Tom Ryder2012-02-261-1/+3
* Actually, this is simpler and works better.Tom Ryder2012-02-171-5/+1
* More compatibility hacks.Tom Ryder2012-02-171-4/+4
* More compatible colorscheme selection.Tom Ryder2012-02-171-1/+6
* Added a few more conditional checks.Tom Ryder2012-02-141-12/+14
* Added feature check wrapper to user commands.Tom Ryder2012-02-141-9/+11
* More complete typo redefinitions.Tom Ryder2012-02-141-6/+6
* Generate helptags from PathogenTom Ryder2012-02-131-0/+1
* Allow args to typos for :W and :E.Tom Ryder2012-02-131-2/+2
* Changed my mind about this one.Tom Ryder2012-02-021-4/+0
* Corrected yank remainder line behaviour.Tom Ryder2012-02-021-0/+3
* Emacs keybindings for start/end line.Tom Ryder2012-02-021-0/+4
* Turns out you don't need the leading colon.Tom Ryder2012-01-271-2/+2
* Add a couple of unmappings for annoying keys.Tom Ryder2012-01-261-0/+4
* Move terminal stuff into its own section.Tom Ryder2012-01-261-3/+5
* Add call to matchit.vim macro, if available.Tom Ryder2012-01-261-0/+3
* Move list stuff into its own section.Tom Ryder2012-01-261-2/+4
* Move paste stuff into its own section.Tom Ryder2012-01-261-2/+4
* Force command definitions through on reload.Tom Ryder2012-01-241-9/+9
* Move fillchars definition to move appropriate positionTom Ryder2012-01-201-1/+3