path: root/vim
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Require eval feature for netrw opts assignmentTom Ryder2017-11-031-8/+13
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Tiny builds of Vim that exclude the eval feature throw errors at the :let commands in this file: $ vim.tiny Error detected while processing /home/tom/.vim/config/netrw.vim: line 2: E319: Sorry, the command is not available in this version: let g:netrw_banner = 0 line 5: E319: Sorry, the command is not available in this version: let g:netrw_silent = 1 line 8: E319: Sorry, the command is not available in this version: let g:netrw_liststyle = 3 line 11: E319: Sorry, the command is not available in this version: let g:netrw_list_hide = '^\.$,^tags$' Press ENTER or type command to continue This code was not being run on such builds before commit 538b71c, because it was in an "after" directory for the netrw plugin and would have been skipped. Wrapping a check for has('eval') around this whole file fixes the problem. netrw.vim won't run without this feature anyway.
* Don't show search option state on mode changesTom Ryder2017-11-031-2/+2
| | | | | | | Commit 92f2c78 added these suffixes to the option settings to show the value of the option after it had been set, but this isn't actually appropriate for the autocmd here; it means the value of 'hlsearch' is echoed every time insert mode is entered or left.
* Merge branch 'feature/vim-plugin' into developTom Ryder2017-11-023-28/+72
|\ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * feature/vim-plugin: Have bigfileturn local syntax off (configurably) Make bigfile 'synmaxcol' setting configurable Refactor plugin function for dependency injection Rename variable and autocmd to use plugin prefix Make bigfile size variable an option with default Expand comment header for bigfile.vim Move Vim big file options config into plugin
| * Have bigfileturn local syntax off (configurably)Tom Ryder2017-11-021-0/+10
| |
| * Make bigfile 'synmaxcol' setting configurableTom Ryder2017-11-021-2/+7
| | | | | | | | | | Defaults to 256 columns and only sets it if the option's value isn't already lower than that.
| * Refactor plugin function for dependency injectionTom Ryder2017-11-021-13/+21
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | Pass the filename to check and the size limit into the function directly from the autocmd hook. Improve commenting and spacing as we go.
| * Rename variable and autocmd to use plugin prefixTom Ryder2017-11-021-4/+4
| | | | | | | | | | | | Just removing an underscore from the variable name so that g:big_file_size becomes g:bigfile_size, and remove the "dotfiles" prefix from the autocmd.
| * Make bigfile size variable an option with defaultTom Ryder2017-11-021-2/+4
| | | | | | | | | | This arranges for g:big_file_size only to set itself to 10 MiB if the variable is not already set, presumably by the user in their vimrc.
| * Expand comment header for bigfile.vimTom Ryder2017-11-021-1/+8
| | | | | | | | Include some author and license metadata.
| * Move Vim big file options config into pluginTom Ryder2017-11-022-0/+12
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Created targets install-vim-doc and install-vim-plugin with accompanying subdirectories of "vim". Added a very short summary of what the plugin does to bigfile.txt. I intend to spin off at least a couple of the blocks of my Vim configuration that are starting to coalesce into distinct plugins unto themselves, and will place the files in these directories.
* | Move 'tildeop' setting to new case.vim fileTom Ryder2017-11-011-0/+0
| | | | | | | | | | Since it pertains to the casing of text, and there are potentially other items that could go in here too.
* | Move 'shellpipe' setting to more logical locationTom Ryder2017-11-012-3/+3
| | | | | | | | | | | | It makes more sense next to 'shellslash' in vim/config/command.vim than it does in vim/config/term.vim; the latter file is supposed to describe settings related to the terminal, not the shell.
* | Make 'shellslash' setting conditional on featureTom Ryder2017-11-011-0/+39
|/ | | | | | | | | | | | :help 'shellslash' says: > 'shellslash' only works when a backslash can be used as a path > separator. To test if this is so use: > if exists('+shellslash') This has actually already been done before in 795fd10, but the change was lost in a merge with a branch that restructured the whole Vim configuration.
* Correct variable name in commentTom Ryder2017-11-011-3/+2
| | | | | | This was unintentionally committed in e36efd4. The correct name of the variable is b:is_ksh. b:is_kornshell_proper was a rejected first revision of the name.
* Remove extraneous spacing between wordsTom Ryder2017-11-011-1/+1
| | | | No functional effect.
* Reload indent global defaults before each filetypeTom Ryder2017-10-313-0/+9
| | | | | | Just to be comprehensive, reinstate the global defaults for all the indenting options via the indent/_GLOBAL.vim stub each time the filetype is changed.
* Use clunkier, more compatible indent option resetTom Ryder2017-10-311-6/+5
| | | | | | This method of re-setting the numeric indent local options to their global analogues looks a bit gross, but seems to work on much older versions of Vim (6.2 in this testing).
* Remove duplicated 'encoding' Vim configurationTom Ryder2017-10-311-5/+0
| | | | | This setting is already in vim/config/encoding.vim, having been copied there in 505a2c2; it was intended to be moved rather than copied.
* Complete a partially-written commentTom Ryder2017-10-311-1/+1
| | | | This was added in 52671ad, but not finished.
* Show Vim option values after leader-key toggleTom Ryder2017-10-305-13/+12
| | | | | | | | | | | | Using the very weird syntax: :setlocal option! option? We can toggle the option and print its new value in the same line. For the line breaking options, we only show the value of the 'linebreak' option, because otherwise we print three lines of messages, which requires an <Enter> press, even if we put all three `option?` calls on one :setlocal line.
* Toggle Vim 'hlsearch' and 'incsearch' locallyTom Ryder2017-10-301-4/+4
| | | | | | | | That is, \h and \i shouldn't change the value of the search highlighting or incremental search features globally, just per-buffer. I'm not actually completely sure I want this, but it does seem tidier at the moment.
* Note that StripTrailingWhitespace() does whole docTom Ryder2017-10-301-1/+1
| | | | | Just in case somebody tried to use it to strip whitespace only from a selected range. It could maybe be extended to do this somehow.
* Move 'joinspaces' Vim config to join subfileTom Ryder2017-10-302-4/+3
| | | | | It makes much more sense in this file than it did in the whitespace configuration file.
* Reimplement stable normal-mode J join mappingTom Ryder2017-10-301-4/+24
| | | | | | | | | | | | | This is a tidier method of preserving the cursor position after a normal-mode join that doesn't involve wiping away a mark, though I don't use those too often anyway. It still works with a preceding count via the `v:count1` variable, with an accidental feature: this joins the *next* v:count1 lines, as opposed to joining a *total* of v:count1 lines counting the current one. The latter is what Vim does, but the former is what I'd actually expect, thinking of it as a "repeated operation", so I'm going to leave it this way.
* Add some comments to 'formatoptions' switchingTom Ryder2017-10-301-0/+10
| | | | Just for clarity of reading.
* Move execution out of 'formatoptions' conditionalTom Ryder2017-10-301-2/+3
| | | | Just to do one thing at a time.
* Use full `execute` command, not `exec`Tom Ryder2017-10-301-2/+2
| | | | It's probably best not to use abbreviations in scripts.
* Use clearer method for 'formatoptions' flag toggleTom Ryder2017-10-301-2/+5
| | | | | On looking at this again, I was uncomfortable with `eval`ing an operation. This seems a bit less evil.
* Use explicit case-sensitive 'formatoptions' matchTom Ryder2017-10-301-1/+1
| | | | | | | | Per Google's VimScript style recommendations <https://google.github.io/styleguide/vimscriptguide.xml>: > Always use case-explicit operators for strings (=~# and =~?, never > =~).
* Switch on local formatoptions setting, not globalTom Ryder2017-10-301-1/+1
| | | | | The actual option settings performed by the function are local, so the test should be, too.
* Append "usetab" to `switchbuf`, not switched setTom Ryder2017-10-301-4/+2
| | | | Just to avoid duplication a little; seems a little clearer this way.
* Adjust commenting and spacing of Vim wrap configTom Ryder2017-10-301-3/+18
| | | | | Essentially just breaking up the big block comment at the top into little pieces.
* Keep 'breakindent'-available flag in script varTom Ryder2017-10-301-3/+5
| | | | | | Because this is a version-based check and shouldn't change any runtime, we can just calculate it once as a variable local and persistent to this script, and then store it for reference by the toggling function.
* Rearrange two options for clarityTom Ryder2017-10-301-4/+4
| | | | | It makes more sense to discuss how something wraps after configuring whether it wraps at all.
* Toggle 'wrap' and related Vim options locallyTom Ryder2017-10-301-8/+8
| | | | | Don't change the value of these options for all buffers with the \w and \b maps, just the current one.
* Move linebreak Vim config into wrap config subfileTom Ryder2017-10-302-31/+32
| | | | | | 'linebreak', 'showbreak', 'breakindent', and 'breakindent' are only relevant when 'wrap' is on, so it makes sense for their settings to be grouped together.
* Add line deletion to StripTrailingWhitespace()Tom Ryder2017-10-301-0/+26
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | In addition to its existing functionality of removing trailing spaces from the ends of lines, this change has the function remove lines at the end of the file afterwards if they contain no non-whitespace characters, based on its observations during the line iteration. This uses the older VimL functions line() and col() in preference to the newer winsaveview() and winrestview() to restore the cursor position after the range :delete moves it, so that this will hopefully work even on older versions of Vim; that is not yet tested. I am surprised that there is no line deletion function to match e.g. getline(), setline(), but it does seem to be the case: <https://groups.google.com/d/msg/vim_use/TY9NmJXh8EU/iFjOUg68AekJ>
* Add some comments to Vim StripTrailingWhitespace()Tom Ryder2017-10-301-0/+18
| | | | | No functional changes; this is just to make it a little clearer before I add some more functionality to it.
* Backport StripTrailingWhitespace to pre-for VimTom Ryder2017-10-301-2/+4
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Use a slightly more verbose but more compatible `:while` loop to accommodate very old versions of Vim that do not have `:for`. Vim 6.2 gives the following terminal output when the `:for` version is run: Error detected while processing /home/tom/.vim/config/whitespace.vim: line 13: E193: :endfunction not inside a function However, it accepts this new version with no complaint, and the function seems to work properly.
* Move 'encoding' Vim config into subfileTom Ryder2017-10-301-0/+4
| | | | | | With the `scriptencoding` call that was in this file removed in 1834c08, there's no longer anything that's sensitive to the order in which this option is loaded relative to any other options.
* Remote `scriptencoding` definitionTom Ryder2017-10-301-2/+1
| | | | | | | There aren't actually any characters outside ASCII in any of the configuration, and for this to work they would need to have the `scriptencoding` at the head of that file, not at the top of the `.vimrc` as here, so I've just removed it.
* Apply name conventions, scoping to Vim identifiersTom Ryder2017-10-3015-26/+26
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | The Google VimScript Style Guide says <https://google.github.io/styleguide/vimscriptguide.xml#Naming>: >In general, use plugin-names-like-this, FunctionNamesLikeThis, >CommandNamesLikeThis, augroup_names_like_this, >variable_names_like_this. Adjusted variable, function, and `augroup` names accordingly, including setting script scope for some of the functions and their calls (`s:` and `<SID>` prefixes). Initially I tried using `prefix#`, but it turns out that this is a namespacing contention for publically callable functions like `pathogen#infect`, and none of these functions need to be publically callable.
* Move viminfo conf from spell.vim into new subfileTom Ryder2017-10-302-12/+11
| | | | This was mistakenly moved from the monolithic .vimrc file in 07fc8ce.
* Merge branch 'vim/vint'Tom Ryder2017-10-307-21/+17
|\ | | | | | | | | | | The Vim configuration, excluding the submodule plugin bundles, now passes a strict run of the vim-vint tool. There's also now a `lint-vim` target in the Makefile.
| * Switch to VimL functions for whitespace stripperTom Ryder2017-10-301-4/+5
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | vim-vint says: >Do not use a command that has unintended side effects (see Google >VimScript Style Guide (Dangerous)) >Avoid commands that rely on user settings (see Google VimScript Style >Guide (Fragile)) In both cases, it's referring to the use of :substitute in this file. The Google style guide on which vim-vint is based says <https://google.github.io/styleguide/vimscriptguide.xml?showone=Fragile_commands#Fragile_commands>: >Avoid :s[ubstitute], as its behavior depends upon a number of local >settings. It also says <https://google.github.io/styleguide/vimscriptguide.xml?showone=Dangerous_commands#Dangerous_commands>: > Avoid using :s[ubstitute] as it moves the cursor and prints error > messages. Prefer functions (such as search()) better suited to > scripts. > > For many vim commands, functions exist that do the same thing with > fewer side effects. See :help functions() for a list of built-in > functions. I reimplemented the function based on an answer I found by `romainl` to a similar question: <https://vi.stackexchange.com/a/5962> There are plenty of other trailing-whitespace-stripping solutions out there, but this one can be mine. It now passes vim-vint. I'll make a plugin out of it at some point. The \m\C shibboleth at the front of the regular expression is to enforce the 'magic' setting for the regular expression, and to enforce case-sensitivity. This is recommended by the style guide: <https://google.github.io/styleguide/vimscriptguide.xml?showone=Dangerous_commands#Regular_Expressions > Prefix all regexes with \m\C. > > In addition to the case sensitivity settings, regex behavior depends > upon the user's nomagic setting. To make regexes act like nomagic and > noignorecase are set, prepend all regexes with \m\C. > > You are welcome to use other magic levels (\v) and case sensitivities > (\c) so long as they are intentional and explicit. Before I committed this, I checked with vint -s to include stylistic recommendations as well, and it insisted on l: prefixes to the `li` and `line` variable to make them explicitly local to the function, so I did that, too.
| * Use `normal!` not `normal` in Vim config macroTom Ryder2017-10-301-4/+4
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | vim-vint says: >Avoid commands that rely on user settings (see Google VimScript Style >Guide (Fragile)) The style guide explains: >Always use normal! instead of normal. The latter depends upon the >user's key mappings and could do anything. Can't argue with that...
| * Use single-quoted string in gvimrcTom Ryder2017-10-301-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | vim-vint says: >Prefer single quoted strings (see Google VimScript Style Guide >(Strings)) Perl::Critic warns about a similar thing; don't use doublequotes if you don't need to expand e.g. \n, \r or interpolate variables. Makes sense to me.
| * Remove 'nocompatible' settingTom Ryder2017-10-301-5/+0
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | vim-vint says: >Do not use nocompatible which has unexpected effects (see :help >nocompatible) I can't actually find anything in the help item it references that says that setting 'nocompatible' is bad, but the situation in which it's needed is very niche anyway; per the removed comment: >Don't make any effort to be compatible with vi, use more sensible >settings. This is only here in case this file gets loaded explicitly >with -u; the mere existence of a ~/.vimrc file already turns this off. We'll just leave it out, and see if anything bad happens..."if in doubt, rip it out".
| * Use ==# consistently in Vim configTom Ryder2017-10-304-7/+7
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | I got a set of warnings from vim-vint about using just "==" for these comparisons: >Use robust operators `==#` or `==?` instead of `==` (see Google >VimScript Style Guide (Matching)) It does seem a lot more sensible to be explicit about case sensitivity, and not to lean on the configured 'ignorecase' value, especially if the user changes it.
* | Move non-indent HTML Vim config indent->ftpluginTom Ryder2017-10-302-12/+11
|/ | | | | This was mistakenly moved along with some indentation settings in 9858af6.