Known issues ============ * man(1) completion doesn't work on OpenBSD as manpath(1) isn't a thing on that system; need to find some way of finding which manual directories should be searched at runtime, if there is one. * OpenBSD doesn't have a `pandoc` package at all. It would be nice to find some way of converting the README.markdown into a palatable troff format with some more readily available (and preferably less heavyweight) tool. * The checks gscr(1df) makes to determine where it is are a bit naive (don't work with bare repos) and could probably be improved with some appropriate git-reflog(1) calls * I can probably share my psql() completions/shortcuts after sanitizing them a bit * A key binding for importing sections of the screen and optionally uploading it would be great, probably using ImageMagick import(1) * sxhkd(1) might be nicer than xbindkeys; it's in Debian Testing now * Would be cool to have something command-line to translate to those wide Unicode fonts