# Requires Bash >= 4.0 for globstar ((BASH_VERSINFO[0] >= 4)) || return # Custom completion for pass(1), because I don't like the one included with the # distribution _pass() { # If we can't read the password directory, just bail local passdir passdir=${PASSWORD_STORE_DIR:-"$HOME"/.password-store} [[ -r $passdir ]] || return 1 # Iterate through list of .gpg paths, extension stripped, null-delimited, # and filter them down to the ones matching the completing word (compgen # doesn't seem to do this properly with a null delimiter) local entry while IFS= read -rd '' entry ; do [[ -n $entry ]] || continue COMPREPLY+=("$entry") done < <( # Set shell options to expand globs the way we expect shopt -u dotglob shopt -s globstar nullglob # Make globbing case-insensitive if appropriate while read -r _ setting ; do case $setting in ('completion-ignore-case on') shopt -s nocaseglob break ;; esac done < <(bind -v) # Gather the entries and remove their .gpg suffix declare -a entries entries=("$passdir"/"${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"*/**/*.gpg \ "$passdir"/"${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"*.gpg) entries=("${entries[@]#"$passdir"/}") entries=("${entries[@]%.gpg}") # Print quoted entries, null-delimited printf '%q\0' "${entries[@]}" ) } complete -F _pass pass