#!/bin/sh # Run getmail(1) over every getmailrc.* file in ~/.getmail # Trap to remove whatever's set in lockdir if we're killed lockdir= cleanup() { [ -n "$lockdir" ] && rm -fr -- "$lockdir" if [ "$1" != EXIT ] ; then trap - "$1" kill "-$1" "$$" fi } for sig in EXIT HUP INT TERM ; do # shellcheck disable=SC2064 trap "cleanup $sig" "$sig" done # Don't trust the environment $UID, use id(1) instead uid=$(id -u) || exit # Iterate through the getmailrc.* files in $GETMAIL if defined, or # $HOME/.getmail if not for rcfile in "${GETMAIL:-$HOME/.getmail}"/getmailrc.* ; do ( lockdir=${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/getmail.$uid.${rcfile##*/}.lock mkdir -m 0700 -- "$lockdir" 2>/dev/null || exit try -n 3 -s 15 getmail --rcfile "$rcfile" "$@" rm -fr -- "$lockdir" && lockdir= ) & done # Wait for all of the enqueued tasks to finish wait