#!/bin/sh # Sane and safe OpenSSL s_client(1ssl) connection self=osc # Check we have openssl(1); we need to fail early lest we go setting up FIFOs # needlessly if ! command -v openssl >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then printf >&2 '%s: openssl(1) not found in $PATH\n' exit 1 fi # Hostname is first argument; assume localhost if empty/unset host=${1:-localhost} # Service name or port is second argument; assume HTTPS if empty/unset serv=${2:-https} # Start building the command-line string set -- ## If we have rlwrap, use it, but don't complain if we don't if command -v rlwrap >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then set -- "$@" rlwrap fi ## The actual openssl(1ssl) and subcommand call set -- "$@" openssl s_client ## No insecure SSL methods set -- "$@" -no_ssl2 -no_ssl3 ## Don't dump nonsense to terminal, and don't renegotiate on R or quit on Q set -- "$@" -quiet ## But do cut the connection if I issue ^D, even though I just set -quiet set -- "$@" -no_ign_eof ## Do verify the certificate chain and don't connect if we can't set -- "$@" -verify 5 -verify_return_error ## We might add STARTTLS for the supported services: case $serv in ftp|21) set -- "$@" -starttls ftp ;; smtp|25) set -- "$@" -starttls smtp ;; pop3|110) set -- "$@" -starttls pop3 ;; imap|143) set -- "$@" -starttls imap ;; xmpp-client|5222) set -- "$@" -starttls xmpp ;; esac ## Finally, add the host and service to connect to set -- "$@" -connect "$host":"$serv" # Do the POSIX dance to kill child processes and clean up temp files even if # killed by a signal td= fil= cleanup() { trap - EXIT "$1" [ -n "$fil" ] && kill -TERM "$fil" [ -n "$td" ] && rm -fr -- "$td" if [ "$1" != EXIT ] ; then kill -"$1" "$$" fi } for sig in EXIT HUP INT TERM ; do trap "cleanup $sig" "$sig" done # Create a temporary directory and a FIFO in it td=$(mktd "$self") || exit mkfifo -- "$td"/verify-filter || exit # Open a read-write file descriptor onto the FIFO exec 3<>"$td"/verify-filter || exit # Start a background filter process on the FIFO to get rid of the leading # verification output set to stderr; as soon as we find a single line that # doesn't look like that routine output, print all future lines to stderr as # normal awk ' body{print;next} /^verify depth is [0-9]+$/{next} /^depth=[0-9]+ /{next} /^verify return:[0-9]+$/{next} {body=1;print} ' <&3 >&2 & fil=$! # Start the process with the options we stacked up "$@" 2>&3