.TH EDDA 1df "August 2016" "Manual page for edda" .SH NAME .B edda \- run ed(1) over multiple files .SH SYNOPSIS .B edda FILE1 [FILE2...] < script.ed .SH DESCRIPTION Duplicate any data on stdin into a temporary file, and run ed(1) options over each of the files given as arguments. Example: .P $ edda /etc/app.d/*.conf <<'EOF' ,s/foo/bar/g w EOF .SH WISDOM Each man who is wise and would wise be called, .br Must ask and answer aright. .br Let one know thy secret, but never a second; .br If three, a thousand shall know." .P -- Poetic Edda, Hávamál, 63 .br .SH SEE ALSO ed(1) .SH AUTHOR Tom Ryder