" Helper function to run the 'filetypedetect' group on a file with its " extension stripped off function! filetype#repeat#Strip() abort " Check we have the fnameescape() function if !exists('*fnameescape') return endif " Expand the match result let fn = expand('') " Strip leading and trailing #hashes# if fn =~# '^#\+.*#\+$' let fn = substitute(fn, '^#\+\(.\+\)#\+$', '\1', '') " Strip trailing tilde~ elseif fn =~# '\~$' let fn = substitute(fn, '\~$', '', '') " Strip generic .extension else let fn = expand(':r') endif " Re-run the group if there's anything left if strlen(fn) execute 'doautocmd filetypedetect BufRead ' . fnameescape(fn) endif endfunction " Helper function to run the 'filetypedetect' group on a file in a temporary " sudoedit(8) directory, modifying it with an attempt to reverse the temporary " filename change function! filetype#repeat#Sudo() abort " Check we have the fnameescape() function if !exists('*fnameescape') return endif " Expand the match result let fn = expand('') " myfileXXQGS16A.conf: strip eight chars before final period if fn =~# '/[^/]\+\w\{8}\.[^./]\+$' let fr = expand(':r') let fe = expand(':e') let fn = strpart(fr, -8, strlen(fr)) . '.' . fe " myfile.XXQGS16A: strip extension elseif fn =~# '/[^/]\+\.\w\{8}$' let fn = expand(':r') " Unrecognised pattern; return, don't repeat else return endif " Re-run the group if there's anything left if strlen(fn) execute 'doautocmd filetypedetect BufRead ' . fnameescape(fn) endif endfunction