" Flag a message as unimportant function! mail#FlagUnimportant() call cursor(1, 1) call search('^$') - call append(line('.'), 'X-Priority: 5') call append(line('.'), 'Importance: Low') endfunction " Move through quoted paragraphs like normal-mode `{` and `}` function! mail#NewBlank(count, up, visual) abort " Reselect visual selection if a:visual normal! gv endif " Flag for whether we've started a block let l:block = 0 " Flag for the number of blocks passed let l:blocks = 0 " Iterate through buffer lines let l:num = line('.') while a:up ? l:num > 1 : l:num < line('$') " If the line is blank if getline(l:num) =~# '^[ >]*$' " If we'd moved through a non-blank block already, reset that flag and " bump up the block count if l:block let l:block = 0 let l:blocks += 1 endif " If we've hit the number of blocks, end the loop if l:blocks == a:count break endif " If the line is not blank, flag that we're going through a block else let l:block = 1 endif " Move the line number or up or down depending on direction let l:num += a:up ? -1 : 1 endwhile " Move to line if nonzero and not equal to the current line if l:num != line('.') execute 'normal '.l:num.'G' endif endfunction