" Choose the filename we'll use for these sessions let g:session_lazy#active = 0 if !exists('g:session_lazy#filename') let g:session_lazy#filename = 'Session.vim' endif " If we started with no arguments, there's no active session, and there's a " session file sitting right there, read it function! session_lazy#Thaw() if !argc() \ && v:this_session ==# '' \ && filereadable(g:session_lazy#filename) let g:session_lazy#active = 1 execute 'source ' . g:session_lazy#filename endif endfunction " Before we quit, if we opened this with a session automatically, save it back " again, into the same file function! session_lazy#Freeze() if g:session_lazy#active \ && g:session_lazy#filename ==# fnamemodify(v:this_session, ':t') execute 'mksession! ' . g:session_lazy#filename endif endfunction