" Keep plenty of command and search history, because disk space is cheap set history=2000 " Always tell me the number of lines changed by a command set report=0 " Command-line based features if has('cmdline_info') " Show my current position in the status bar set ruler " Show the keystrokes being entered in the screen set showcmd " Show the mode we're using if not normal mode (e.g. --INSERT--) set showmode endif " Don't write the output of :make to the terminal set shellpipe=> " Always use forward slashes, I very seldom need to use Vim on Windows for " more than scratch space anyway if exists('+shellslash') set shellslash endif " \d inserts the current local date from date(1) nnoremap \ d \ :read !date " \D inserts the current UTC date from date(1) nnoremap \ D \ :read !date -u " \m fires up mutt with either the whole buffer or the text function s:Mutt() let l:tf = tempname() execute 'write '.fnameescape(l:tf) execute '!mutt -i '.shellescape(l:tf) endfunction nnoremap \ m \ :call Mutt()