" Don't try to complete strings from included files, just use the strings in " the open buffers; I'll open the file if I want to complete from it set complete-=i " Configuration for the command completion feature; rather than merely cycling " through possible completions with Tab, show them above the command line if has('wildmenu') " Use the wild menu, both completing and showing all possible completions " with a single Tab press, just as I've configured Bash to do set wildmenu set wildmode=longest:list " Don't complete certain files that I'm not likely to want to manipulate " from within Vim: if has('wildignore') set wildignore+=*.a,*.o set wildignore+=*.bmp,*.gif,*.ico,*.jpg,*.png set wildignore+=.DS_Store,.git,.hg,.svn set wildignore+=*~,*.swp,*.tmp endif " Complete files without case sensitivity, if the option is available if exists('&wildignorecase') set wildignorecase endif endif