" Load plugins for file types if has('autocmd') filetype plugin on endif " Use all ancestors of current directory for :find if has('file_in_path') set path=** endif " Try Mac line-endings if UNIX or DOS don't make sense; this has never " happened to me but who knows, it might one day set fileformats+=mac " If the Vim buffer for a file doesn't have any changes and Vim detects the " file has been altered, quietly update it set autoread " Save a file automatically if I change buffers or perform operations with the " argument list; this is particularly helpful for me as I don't use 'hidden' set autowrite " I really like ZZ and ZQ, so I wrote a couple more mappings; ZW forces a " write of the current buffer, but doesn't quit, and ZA forces a write of all " buffers but doesn't quit nnoremap ZW :w! nnoremap ZA :wa!