" Break lines at word boundaries if possible and not simply at the last " character that will fit on the screen, preceding the next line with three " periods to make it obvious that it's a continuation of the previous line if has('linebreak') set linebreak set showbreak=... if v:version > 704 || v:version ==# 704 && has('patch338') set breakindent endif " Bind \b to turn off linebreak and toggle the showbreak characters on and " off for convenience of copypasting multiple lines from terminal emulators. if has('eval') function! ToggleBreak() if &linebreak set nolinebreak set showbreak= if v:version > 704 || v:version ==# 704 && has('patch338') set nobreakindent endif else set linebreak set showbreak=... if v:version > 704 || v:version ==# 704 && has('patch338') set breakindent endif endif endfunction nnoremap b :call ToggleBreak() endif endif