*mail_mutt.txt* For Vim version 7.0 Last change: 2017 November 12 DESCRIPTION *mail_mutt* This plugin allows you to quickly start writing an email message in Mutt with a range of lines from the current buffer as the initial mail content. REQUIREMENTS *mail_mutt-requirements* This plugin is only available if 'compatible' is not set. You will want to have the mutt(1) command from the Mutt distribution installed to use this plugin. Mutt is available from . COMMANDS *mail_mutt-commands* *:MailMutt* This plugin provides a single command `:MailMutt` command which accepts a line range prefix defaulting to the entire buffer, writing these lines to a temporary file that is then provided to the -i option of the Mutt mail user agent, as the initial content of a new message. > :MailMutt :.MailMutt :3,6MailMutt :95,$MailMutt MAPPINGS *mail_mutt-mappings* Three mapping targets are also provided for convenience. No attempt is made to map key sequences to these mappings within the plugin; you must do this explicitly in your |vimrc|. *MailMuttLine* Th MailMuttLine mapping runs `:MailMutt` on the current line in normal mode. A binding example might be: > :nmap ml MailMuttLine < *MailMuttBuffer* The MailMuttBuffer mapping runs `:MailMutt` on the whole buffer in normal mode. A binding example might be: > :nmap mb MailMuttBuffer < *MailMuttSelected* The MailMuttSelected mapping runs `:MailMutt` on the selected lines in visual or selection mode. A binding example might be: > :vmap ms MailMuttSelected < AUTHOR *mail_mutt-author* Written and maintained by Tom Ryder . LICENSE *mail_mutt-license* Licensed for distribution under the same terms as Vim itself (see |license|). DISTRIBUTION *mail_mutt-distribution* This plugin lives in Tom Ryder's "dotfiles" suite, and may eventually be spun off into a separate distribution as it solidifies and this documentation improves. See for more information. vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: