" " If we have a #!/bin/sh shebang and filetype.vim determined we were neither " POSIX nor Bash nor Korn shell, we'll guess POSIX, just because it's far more " likely that's what I want to write than plain Bourne shell. " " You're supposed to be able to do this by setting g:is_posix, but if that's " set, the syntax file ends up setting g:is_kornshell for you too, for reasons " I don't really understand. This method works though, and is cleaner than " the other workaround I had been trying. " if exists('b:is_sh') unlet b:is_sh if !exists('b:is_bash') && !exists('b:is_kornshell') let b:is_posix = 1 endif endif " Use han(1df) as a man(1) wrapper for Bash files if available if exists('b:is_bash') \ && executable('han') setlocal keywordprg=han endif " Map checker based on shell family if exists('b:is_bash') let b:sh_check = 'write !bash -n' elseif exists('b:is_kornshell') let b:sh_check = 'write !ksh -n' else let b:sh_check = 'write !sh -n' endif nnoremap \ c \ :execute b:sh_check " Map linter based on shell family if exists('b:is_bash') let b:sh_lint = 'write !shellcheck -s bash -' elseif exists('b:is_kornshell') let b:sh_lint = 'write !shellcheck -s ksh -' else let b:sh_lint = 'write !shellcheck -s sh -' endif nnoremap \ l \ :execute b:sh_lint " Clear away these extra changes let b:undo_user_ftplugin \ = 'setlocal keywordprg< | unlet! b:sh_check b:sh_lint'