" Custom Vim indent file for Perl5; the stock one didn't suit me. " Only load this indent file when no other was loaded. if exists('b:did_indent') || &compatible finish endif let b:did_indent = 1 " Define indent function function! GetPerlIndent() " Get previous line, bail if none let l:pn = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1) if !l:pn return 0 endif " Get line properties let l:cl = getline(v:lnum) let l:ci = indent(l:cn) let l:pl = getline(l:pn) let l:pi = indent(l:pn) " Get value of 'shiftwidth' let l:sw = exists('*shiftwidth') \ ? shiftwidth() \ : &shiftwidth " Just follow comment indent if l:pl =~# '^\s*#' return l:pi " After opening brace elseif l:pl =~# '[{([]\s*$' " Closing brace if l:cl =~# '^\s*[])}]' return l:pi " Block content else return l:pi + l:sw endif " Entering closing brace elseif l:cl =~# '^\s*[])}]' " Reduce indent if possible if l:pi >= l:sw return l:pi - l:sw else return 0 endif " After a semicolon, comma, or closing brace elseif l:pl =~# '[;,}]\s*$' return l:pi - (l:pi % l:sw) " Continued line; add half 'shiftwidth' elseif l:sw >= 2 return l:pi + l:sw / 2 endif endfunction " Indent settings setlocal indentexpr=GetPerlIndent() setlocal indentkeys+=0},0),0] " How to undo all of that let b:undo_indent = '|setlocal indentexpr<' \ . '|setlocal indentkeys<' \ . '|delfunction GetPerlIndent'