" " auto_backupdir.vim: Configure 'backupdir' automatically, including trying " hard to create it. " " Author: Tom Ryder " License: Same as Vim itself " if exists('g:loaded_auto_backupdir') \ || &compatible finish endif let g:loaded_auto_backupdir = 1 " Define the backup path we want if exists('$VIM_BACKUPDIR') let s:backupdir = $VIM_BACKUPDIR else " This is imperfect in that it will break if you have a backslashed comma in " the first component of your &runtimepath, but if you're doing that, you " probably already have way bigger problems let s:backupdir \ = strpart(&runtimepath, 0, stridx(&runtimepath, ',')) \ . '/backup' endif " If the prospective backup directory does not exist, try hard to create it if !isdirectory(expand(s:backupdir)) " Try Vim's native mkdir() first if exists('*mkdir') silent! call mkdir(expand(s:backupdir), 'p', 0700) " Failing that, use an OS-dependent command " (Fortunately, Unix and Windows are the only OS types in the world) elseif has('unix') silent! execute '!mkdir -m 0700 -p ' \ . shellescape(expand(s:backupdir)) elseif has('win32') || has('win64') silent! execute '!mkdir ' \ . shellescape(expand(s:backupdir)) endif endif " If the directory exists after that... if isdirectory(expand(s:backupdir)) " Set the backup directory and turn backups on execute 'set backupdir^=' . s:backupdir . '//' set backup " If not, give up and raise an error else echoerr 'Could not create backupdir ' . s:backupdir endif