" " big_file_options.vim: When opening a large file, take some measures to keep " things loading quickly. " " Author: Tom Ryder " License: Same as Vim itself " if exists('g:loaded_big_file_options') \ || !has('autocmd') \ || &compatible finish endif let g:loaded_big_file_options = 1 " Default threshold is 10 MiB if !exists('g:big_file_size') let g:big_file_size = 10 * 1024 * 1024 endif " Default to leaving syntax highlighting off if !exists('g:big_file_syntax') let g:big_file_syntax = 0 endif " Cut 'synmaxcol' down to this or smaller for big files if !exists('g:big_file_synmaxcol') let g:big_file_synmaxcol = 256 endif " Declare function for turning off slow options function! s:BigFileOptions() " Don't do anything if the file is under the threshold if getfsize(expand('')) <= g:big_file_size return endif " Turn off backups, swap files, and undo files setlocal nobackup setlocal nowritebackup setlocal noswapfile if has('persistent_undo') setlocal noundofile endif " Limit the number of columns of syntax highlighting if exists('&synmaxcol') \ && &synmaxcol > g:big_file_synmaxcol execute 'setlocal synmaxcol=' . g:big_file_synmaxcol endif " Disable syntax highlighting if configured to do so if !g:big_file_syntax setlocal syntax=OFF endif endfunction " Define autocmd for calling to check filesize augroup big_file_options_bufreadpre autocmd! autocmd BufReadPre \ * \ call s:BigFileOptions() augroup end