" " Tolerate typos like :Wq, :Q, or :Qa and do what I mean, including any " arguments or modifiers; I fat-finger these commands a lot because I type " them so rapidly, and they don't correspond to any other commands I use " " Author: Tom Ryder " License: Same as Vim itself " if exists('g:loaded_command_typos') \ || !has('user_commands') \ || &compatible finish endif let g:loaded_command_typos = 1 " Define commands command! -bang -complete=file -nargs=? \ E \ edit command! -bang -complete=file -nargs=? \ W \ write command! -bang -complete=file -nargs=? \ WQ \ wq command! -bang -complete=file -nargs=? \ Wq \ wq command! -bang \ Q \ quit command! -bang \ Qa \ qall command! -bang \ QA \ qall command! -bang \ Wa \ wall command! -bang \ WA \ wa