" " Bind a user-defined key sequence to turn off linebreak and toggle the " showbreak characters and breakindent mode on and off, for convenience of " copying multiple lines from terminal emulators. " " Author: Tom Ryder " License: Same as Vim itself " if exists('g:loaded_copy_linebreak') \ || !has('linebreak') \ || &compatible finish endif let g:loaded_copy_linebreak = 1 " Define function function! s:CopyLinebreak() " If linebreak is on, turn it off if &l:linebreak setlocal nolinebreak linebreak? setlocal showbreak= if exists('&breakindent') setlocal nobreakindent endif " If it's off, turn it on else setlocal linebreak linebreak? setlocal showbreak< if exists('&breakindent') setlocal breakindent endif endif endfunction " Provide mapping proxy to the function just defined noremap \ CopyLinebreak \ :call CopyLinebreak()