" " mail_mutt.vim: Start a mutt(1) message with the lines in the given range, " defaulting to the entire buffer. " " Author: Tom Ryder " License: Same as Vim itself " if exists('g:loaded_mail_mutt') || &compatible finish endif if !has('user_commands') finish endif let g:loaded_mail_mutt = 1 " Declare function function! s:MailMutt(start, end) " Check we'll have mutt(1) to execute if !executable('mutt') echoerr 'mutt not found in $PATH' finish endif " Create a temporary file let l:tf = tempname() " Write the contents of the buffer to it let l:range = a:start . ',' . a:end let l:command = 'write ' . fnameescape(l:tf) execute l:range . l:command " Run mutt(1) with that file as its input execute '!mutt -i ' . shellescape(l:tf) endfunction " Create a command to wrap around that function command -nargs=0 -range=% \ MailMutt \ call MailMutt(, ) " Mapping to mail current line in normal mode nnoremap \ MailMuttLine \ :.MailMutt " Mapping to mail whole buffer in normal mode nnoremap \ MailMuttBuffer \ :%MailMutt " Mapping to mail selected lines in visual/select mode vnoremap \ MailMuttSelected \ :MailMutt