" Try to determine filetype by examining actual file contents; read as little " as possible, and try to keep things simple and specific to what I typically " work on, and will expect to be syntax-highlighted. " Read first line let s:line = getline(1) " If it's not a shebang, we're done if s:line !~# '^#!' finish " AWK elseif s:line =~# '\<[gm]\=awk\d*\>' setfiletype awk " Perl elseif s:line =~# '\' setfiletype perl " PHP elseif s:line =~# '\' setfiletype php " Python elseif s:line =~# '\' setfiletype python " Ruby elseif s:line =~# '\' setfiletype ruby " sed elseif s:line =~# '\' setfiletype sed " Bash elseif s:line =~# '\' let b:is_bash = 1 setfiletype sh " Korn shell; either starts or ends in 'ksh' elseif s:line =~# '\' let b:is_kornshell = 1 setfiletype sh " POSIX/Bourne shell elseif s:line =~# '\' let b:is_posix = 1 setfiletype sh " TCL elseif s:line =~# '\<\%(expect\|tcl\|wish\)\d*\>' setfiletype tcl endif