" Use UTF-8 by default wherever possible, including in this file if has('multi_byte') set encoding=utf-8 scriptencoding utf-8 endif " Load configuration files from ~/.vim/config or its analogue, before Pathogen " loads all its directories into 'runtimepath' runtime! config/*.vim " If our version isn't ancient and Pathogen is available, call it to load all " the plugins in .vim/bundle; these are saved as submodules if v:version >= 701 " Bootstrap Pathogen runtime bundle/pathogen/autoload/pathogen.vim " Run Pathogen to broaden 'realtimepath' for plugin code and help tags silent! call pathogen#infect() silent! call pathogen#helptags() " The 'sahara' colorscheme only works for dark backgrounds with 256 colors if has('syntax') \ && &background ==# 'dark' \ && (has('gui_running') || &t_Co ==# 256) silent! colorscheme sahara endif endif