Kimble ====== Some simple Subversion command wrappers for Vim to ease the pain of developing with Subversion as a VCS. This is very experimental and will be developed more as I have time and/or inclination. * `:Sstatus` -- Runs `svn status` and prints its output in a scratch buffer at the bottom of the screen. * `:Scommit` -- Runs `svn commit` and prints its output in a scratch buffer at the bottom of the screen. * `:Sinfo` -- Runs `svn info` and prints its output in a scratch buffer at the bottom of the screen. * `:Supdate` -- Runs `svn update` and prints its output in a scratch buffer at the bottom of the screen. * `:Sadd` -- Runs `svn add` and prints its output in a scratch buffer at the bottom of the screen. Accepts an optional argument, otherwise assumes you mean the current file. * `:Sblame` -- Runs `svn blame` and prints its output in a scratch buffer at left of the screen. Accepts an optional argument, otherwise assumes you mean the current file. * `:Sdiff` -- Runs `svn diff` and prints its output in a scratch buffer at bottom of the screen. Accepts an optional argument, otherwise assumes you mean the current file. * `:Slog` -- Runs `svn log` and prints its output in a scratch buffer at the bottom of the screen. Accepts an optional argument, otherwise assumes you mean the current file. License ------- Copyright (c) [Tom Ryder][1]: Distributed under the same terms as Vim itself. See `:help license`. [1]: