diff options
authorTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2018-06-01 23:41:00 +1200
committerTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2018-06-01 23:41:00 +1200
commitb51aebde5bec9d58dba96377e0348fa82274bb83 (patch)
parentInitial commit (diff)
parentAdd VERSION (diff)
Merge branch 'release/v0.2.0'v0.2.0
* release/v0.2.0: Add VERSION Correct variable evaluation Adjust variable name and comments Escape item properly before adding to path Report the expanded name of the failed creation Use function! consistently Remove now-unneeded s:Run() function Short-circuit if dir cannot be established Add some comments and spacing Completely refactor SetDir() calling Add backported shellslashes() fallback function Use consistent line breaks in preamble Use consistent approach to expansion Rename local variable Rename g:..._complete_path option in Vim plugin
3 files changed, 72 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/VERSION b/VERSION
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ea3a94
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/doc/auto_cache_dirs.txt b/doc/auto_cache_dirs.txt
index 814db7d..5d3928f 100644
--- a/doc/auto_cache_dirs.txt
+++ b/doc/auto_cache_dirs.txt
@@ -48,11 +48,11 @@ files. Defaults to 1 (true). This requires the |+persistent_undo| feature.
Set `g:auto_cache_dirs_root` to the directory that should contain the files.
See DESCRIPTION above for how the default value for this is determined.
- *g:auto_cache_dirs_complete_path*
-Set `g:auto_cache_dirs_complete_path` to specify whether 'directory' and
-'undodir' (but not 'backupdir') should have a double-slash appended to the end
-of the added path, to tell Vim to save the cache files with the complete path
-names of the files to which they refer. Defaults to 1 (true).
+ *g:auto_cache_dirs_name_path*
+Set `g:auto_cache_dirs_name_path` to specify whether 'directory' and 'undodir'
+(but not 'backupdir') should have a double-slash appended to the end of the
+added path, to tell Vim to save the cache files with the complete path names
+of the files to which they refer. Defaults to 1 (true).
AUTHOR *auto_cache_dirs-author*
diff --git a/plugin/auto_cache_dirs.vim b/plugin/auto_cache_dirs.vim
index 3937679..7224456 100644
--- a/plugin/auto_cache_dirs.vim
+++ b/plugin/auto_cache_dirs.vim
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ endif
if !exists('g:auto_cache_dirs_undo')
let g:auto_cache_dirs_undo = 1
-if !exists('g:auto_cache_dirs_complete_path')
- let g:auto_cache_dirs_complete_path = 1
+if !exists('g:auto_cache_dirs_name_path')
+ let g:auto_cache_dirs_name_path = 1
" If g:auto_cache_dirs_root isn't already set, we'll try to figure out a
@@ -34,82 +34,109 @@ if !exists('g:auto_cache_dirs_root')
" If $XDG_CACHE_HOME is set, it's likely that using that is what the user
" will be least surprised by
if exists('$XDG_CACHE_HOME')
- let g:auto_cache_dirs_root = $XDG_CACHE_HOME.'/vim'
+ let g:auto_cache_dirs_root
+ \ = '$XDG_CACHE_HOME/vim'
" If there's no explicit cache dir, but we are running some sort of Unix,
" try to put it in ~/.cache
elseif has('unix')
- let g:auto_cache_dirs_root = expand('~/.cache/vim')
+ let g:auto_cache_dirs_root
+ \ = '~/.cache/vim'
" If not, we'll try putting the directory into the first element of the
" 'runtimepath' value, so they'll at least be findable
let g:auto_cache_dirs_root
- \ = strpart(&runtimepath, 0, stridx(&runtimepath, ','))
+ \ = strpart(&runtimepath, 0, stridx(&runtimepath, ','))
-" Try hard to create a directory
-function! s:EstablishDir(dirname)
+" Try hard to create a directory with the given expanded name
+function! s:EstablishDir(dir)
" If it's already a directory, we have nothing to do
- if isdirectory(a:dirname)
+ if isdirectory(a:dir)
return 1
" Try Vim's native mkdir() first
if exists('*mkdir')
- silent! call mkdir(a:dirname, 'p', 0700)
+ silent! call mkdir(a:dir, 'p', 0700)
" Failing that, try to use an OS-dependent command
" (Fortunately, Unix and Windows are the only OS types in the world)
- elseif has('*shellescape')
+ else
if has('unix')
let l:mkdir = '!mkdir -m 0700 -p'
elseif has('win32') || has('win64')
let l:mkdir = '!mkdir'
- silent! execute l:mkdir . ' ' . shellescape(expand(a:dirname))
+ silent! execute l:mkdir . ' ' . s:ShellEscape(a:dir)
" Return whether the directory exists now
- return isdirectory(a:dirname)
+ return isdirectory(a:dir)
-" If we can find or create a directory for it, set an option and its related
-" directory option
-function s:SetDir(subdir, option, optiondir)
- let l:dir = g:auto_cache_dirs_root . '/' . a:subdir
- if s:EstablishDir(l:dir)
- execute 'set ' . a:option
- execute 'set ' . a:optiondir . '^=' . l:dir
+" Wrapper around shellescape(), with fallback backport if not available
+function! s:ShellEscape(string)
+ " Use native function if we can
+ if has('*shellescape')
+ return shellescape(a:string)
+ " If not, manually write out what the :help for shellescape() says it does
- echoerr 'Could not create ' . l:dir
+ if (has('win32') || has('win64')) && !&shellslash
+ return '"' . substitute(a:string, '"', '""', 'g') . '"'
+ else
+ return "'" . substitute(a:string, "'", "'\\\\''", 'g') . "'"
+ endif
-" Set backup, swap, and undo data directories as configured
-function s:Run()
- if g:auto_cache_dirs_backup
- let l:subdir = 'backup'
- call s:SetDir(l:subdir, 'backup', 'backupdir')
- endif
- if g:auto_cache_dirs_swap
- let l:subdir = 'swap'
- if g:auto_cache_dirs_complete_path
- let l:subdir .= '//'
- endif
- call s:SetDir(l:subdir, 'swapfile', 'directory')
+" If we can find or create a directory for it, set an option and its related
+" path option
+function! s:SetDir(option_bool, option_path, subdir, name_path)
+ " Build full path
+ let l:dir = g:auto_cache_dirs_root . '/' . a:subdir
+ " Verify or create the dir
+ let l:exp = expand(l:dir)
+ if !s:EstablishDir(expand(l:exp))
+ echoerr 'Could not create ' . l:exp
+ return
- if g:auto_cache_dirs_undo && has('persistent_undo')
- let l:subdir = 'undo'
- if g:auto_cache_dirs_complete_path
- let l:subdir .= '//'
- endif
- call s:SetDir(l:subdir, 'undofile', 'undodir')
+ " Set bool option (e.g. 'backup')
+ execute 'set ' . a:option_bool
+ " Determine element to add to accompanying path option; escape spaces and
+ " backslashes, and append double-slash if requested
+ let l:item = substitute(l:dir, '[ ,\\]', '\\&', 'g')
+ if a:name_path
+ let l:item = l:item . '//'
+ " Set path option (e.g. 'backupdir')
+ execute 'set ' . a:option_path . '^=' . l:item
-call s:Run()
+" Set backup, swap, and undo data directories as configured
+if g:auto_cache_dirs_backup
+ call s:SetDir('backup', 'backupdir', 'backup',
+ \ 0)
+if g:auto_cache_dirs_swap
+ call s:SetDir('swapfile', 'directory', 'swap',
+ \ g:auto_cache_dirs_name_path)
+if g:auto_cache_dirs_undo && has('persistent_undo')
+ call s:SetDir('undofile', 'undodir', 'undo',
+ \ g:auto_cache_dirs_name_path)