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2 files changed, 23 insertions, 138 deletions
diff --git a/autoload/paste_insert.vim b/autoload/paste_insert.vim
index fe9e482..946e09a 100644
--- a/autoload/paste_insert.vim
+++ b/autoload/paste_insert.vim
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ function! paste_insert#() abort
augroup paste_insert
- " Set up the paste and tell the user
+ " Set up the paste
autocmd User Start
- \ call s:Start() | echo 'Paste ready'
+ \ call s:Start()
" When starting insert mode, add completion hook for when we leave
autocmd InsertEnter *
@@ -22,16 +22,6 @@ function! paste_insert#() abort
autocmd BufLeave,WinLeave *
\ doautocmd paste_insert User Abort
- " Exit condition reporting
- autocmd User Abort
- \ echo 'Paste aborted'
- autocmd User Cancel
- \ echo 'Paste cancelled'
- autocmd User Complete
- \ echo 'Paste completed'
- autocmd User Timeout
- \ echo 'Paste timeout'
" End the paste and clear the events table
autocmd User Abort,Cancel,Complete,Timeout
\ call s:Stop() | autocmd! paste_insert
@@ -43,125 +33,26 @@ function! paste_insert#() abort
-" Keys that cancel the pending paste in normal mode, defaults to Ctrl-C and
-" Escape
-let s:cancel = get(g:, 'paste_insert_cancel', ['<C-C>', '<Esc>'])
-" Cache for the prior functions of those keys, in case the user has already
-" mapped them
-let s:maps = {}
+" Keys that cancel a pending paste in normal mode
+let s:cancel_keys = get(g:, 'paste_insert_cancel_keys', ['<C-C>', '<Esc>'])
-" Function to abstract over shortcomings in Vim older than 7.3.032 in yielding
-" incomplete map information; return as much as we can in the same structure
-" as Vim after this patchlevel does with the {dict} parameter TRUE;
-" unfortunately, this is just the mapping's right hand side. We should be
-" able to figure out the <buffer> flag too, but that's it. The documentation
-" for this plugin points out this unfortunate caveat, and suggests
-" a workaround.
-function! s:MapArg(key, mode) abort
- if v:version > 703 || v:version == 703 && has('patch-32')
- return maparg(a:key, a:mode, 0, 1)
- else
- let rhs = maparg(a:key, a:mode)
- if rhs ==# ''
- return {}
- else
- return { 'rhs': rhs }
- endif
- endif
-" Start the paste: save each cancel key's prior function, remap it, set
-" 'paste'
+" Start the paste: remap any cancel keys, set 'paste'
function! s:Start() abort
- " Collect and remove existing mappings for this key, replacing with a global
- " map that cancels the pending paste operation
- "
- for key in s:cancel
- let maps = []
- " We might need to stop partway through this
- try
- " Collect first mapping, perhaps a buffer-local mapping, since maparg()
- " yields those first
- let map = s:MapArg(key, 'n')
- if !empty(map)
- call add(maps, s:MapArg(key, 'n'))
- endif
- execute 'nunmap <buffer> '.key
- " Since we got here, the `:nunmap <buffer>` command must have worked,
- " and there might be one more global map to collect
- let map = s:MapArg(key, 'n')
- if !empty(map)
- call add(maps, s:MapArg(key, 'n'))
- endif
- execute 'nunmap '.key
- catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E31:/ " No such mapping
- " Ignore it
- endtry
- " If we collected two mappings, the first one must have been buffer-local,
- " and Vim before 7.3.032 won't have told us that, so we'll flag it now
- "
- if len(maps) == 2 && !has_key(maps[0], 'buffer')
- let maps[0]['buffer'] = 1
+ for key in s:cancel_keys
+ if maparg(key, 'n') ==# ''
+ execute join(['nnoremap', key,
+ \ ':<C-U>doautocmd paste_insert User Cancel<CR>'])
+ else
+ echoerr key.' already mapped in normal mode, refusing to remap'
- " Add the collected maps to this key's cache
- let s:maps[key] = maps
- " Set up our map to cancel the pending paste
- execute 'nnoremap '.key
- \.' :<C-U>doautocmd paste_insert User Cancel<CR>'
- " Let's go!
- set paste
+ set paste paste?
" Stop the paste: unset 'paste', restore prior function of cancel key
function! s:Stop() abort
- " Let's stop!
- set nopaste
- " Now we need to remove our temporary maps, and restore the user's
- for key in s:cancel
- " Start by getting read of our map; there should now be none at all
- execute 'nunmap '.key
- " Iterate through any cached maps for this key
- for map in reverse(s:maps[key])
- " Start building the command to restore the mapping; assume this is
- " a nonrecursive map unless flagged otherwise
- let command = !has_key(map, 'noremap') || map['noremap']
- \ ? ['nnoremap']
- \ : ['nmap']
- " Restore any flags for the mapping as we know them
- for flag in ['buffer', 'expr', 'nowait', 'silent']
- if has_key(map, flag) && map[flag]
- call add(command, '<'.flag.'>')
- endif
- endfor
- " Add the key and right hand
- call extend(command, [key, map['rhs']])
- execute join(command)
- endfor
- " Clear the map cache for this key, now that we've restored them
- unlet s:maps[key]
+ set nopaste paste?
+ for key in s:cancel_keys
+ execute join(['nunmap', key])
diff --git a/doc/paste_insert.txt b/doc/paste_insert.txt
index d9b2bb2..68f1ef9 100644
--- a/doc/paste_insert.txt
+++ b/doc/paste_insert.txt
@@ -2,13 +2,14 @@
DESCRIPTION *paste_insert*
-This small plugin provides a simple "one shot paste" method, with a command or
-mapping to prefix opening an insert, with the 'paste' option automatically set
-after the insert ends, to avoid the annoyances caused by forgetting to do so.
+This plugin implements a method for setting paste mode with the 'paste' option
+for only the duration of the next insert operation, to avoid the hassle of
+forgetting to unset the option after inserting.
It includes a timeout if insert mode isn't entered within 'updatetime'
seconds, or if the user navigates away from the buffer or window. It can also
-be cancelled with keys in normal mode, by default CTRL-C or Escape.
+be cancelled in normal mode with CTRL-C or Escape. These keys can be changed
+if they are already mapped or otherwise unsuitable.
REQUIREMENTS *paste_insert-requirements*
@@ -38,10 +39,9 @@ Set `g:paste_insert_cancel` to a |List| of the special codes for keys you want
to cancel the pending paste in normal mode. `['<C-C>', '<Esc>']` is the
default, for CTRL-C and Escape.
-The plugin will overwrite any existing normal mode maps for these keys during
-the normal mode phase of the operation, but will try to restore them
-afterwards. If you don't want your mappings touched at all, set this to the
-empty list, and the plugin will leave them alone.
+The plugin will complain on starting a paste operation if either of the keys
+are already mapped, globally or locally, so pick keys you never remap, or set
+this option to a blank |List| `[]` to disable it.
CAVEATS *paste_insert-caveats*
@@ -51,12 +51,6 @@ with CTRL-C, the |InsertLeave| event doesn't fire, and you'll still be in
window should fix it. Friends don't let friends use CTRL-C to break insert
-The map restoration for your chosen cancel keys works well in Vim v7.3.032 or
-newer, but before that patch, recursive maps and flags like <expr> or <silent>
-won't be restored correctly, although <buffer> should still work. If it's
-mangling your mappings and you don't want to change keys, your only option is
-to upgrade Vim.
AUTHOR *paste_insert-author*
Written and maintained by Tom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>.